HTMLIFrameElement$Typings extension



addEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(HTMLElementEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
align String
Sets or retrieves how the object is aligned with adjacent text. @deprecated
getter/setter pair
allow String
getter/setter pair
allowFullscreen bool
getter/setter pair
contentDocument Document?
Retrieves the document object of the page or frame.
no setter
contentWindow WindowProxy?
Retrieves the object of the specified.
no setter
frameBorder String
Sets or retrieves whether to display a border for the frame. @deprecated
getter/setter pair
getSVGDocument Document? Function()
getter/setter pair
height String
Sets or retrieves the height of the object.
getter/setter pair
loading String
getter/setter pair
longDesc String
Sets or retrieves a URI to a long description of the object. @deprecated
getter/setter pair
marginHeight String
Sets or retrieves the top and bottom margin heights before displaying the text in a frame. @deprecated
getter/setter pair
marginWidth String
Sets or retrieves the left and right margin widths before displaying the text in a frame. @deprecated
getter/setter pair
name String
Sets or retrieves the frame name.
getter/setter pair
referrerPolicy ReferrerPolicy
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
removeEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(HTMLElementEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
sandbox DOMTokenList
no setter
scrolling String
Sets or retrieves whether the frame can be scrolled. @deprecated
getter/setter pair
src String
Sets or retrieves a URL to be loaded by the object.
getter/setter pair
srcdoc String
Sets or retrives the content of the page that is to contain.
getter/setter pair
width String
Sets or retrieves the width of the object.
getter/setter pair