Element$Typings extension



addEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(ElementEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
attachShadow ShadowRoot Function(ShadowRootInit)
getter/setter pair
attributes NamedNodeMap
MDN Reference
no setter
checkVisibility bool Function([CheckVisibilityOptions?])
getter/setter pair
classList DOMTokenList
Allows for manipulation of element's class content attribute as a set of whitespace-separated tokens through a DOMTokenList object.
no setter
className String
Returns the value of element's class content attribute. Can be set to change it.
getter/setter pair
clientHeight num
MDN Reference
no setter
clientLeft num
MDN Reference
no setter
clientTop num
MDN Reference
no setter
clientWidth num
MDN Reference
no setter
closest → ({K$? Function<K$ extends Element>(HTMLElementTagNameMap<K$> selector) $1, E? Function<E extends Element>(String selectors) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
computedStyleMap StylePropertyMapReadOnly Function()
getter/setter pair
getAttribute String? Function(String)
getter/setter pair
getAttributeNames List<String> Function()
getter/setter pair
getAttributeNode Attr? Function(String)
getter/setter pair
getAttributeNodeNS Attr? Function(String, [String?])
getter/setter pair
getAttributeNS String? Function(String, [String?])
getter/setter pair
getBoundingClientRect DOMRect Function()
getter/setter pair
getClientRects DOMRectList Function()
getter/setter pair
getElementsByClassName HTMLCollectionOf<Element> Function(String)
getter/setter pair
getElementsByTagName → ({HTMLCollectionOf<K$> Function<K$ extends Element>(HTMLElementTagNameMap<K$> qualifiedName) $1, HTMLCollectionOf<Element> Function(String qualifiedName) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
getElementsByTagNameNS → ({HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElement> Function(String namespaceURI, String localName) $1, HTMLCollectionOf<SVGElement> Function(String namespaceURI, String localName) $2, HTMLCollectionOf<MathMLElement> Function(String namespaceURI, String localName) $3, HTMLCollectionOf<Element> Function(String localName, [String? namespace]) $4})
Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3, $4
no setter
hasAttribute bool Function(String)
getter/setter pair
hasAttributeNS bool Function(String, [String?])
getter/setter pair
hasAttributes bool Function()
getter/setter pair
hasPointerCapture bool Function(num)
getter/setter pair
id String
Returns the value of element's id content attribute. Can be set to change it.
getter/setter pair
insertAdjacentElement Element? Function(InsertPosition, Element)
getter/setter pair
insertAdjacentHTML ↔ void Function(InsertPosition, String)
getter/setter pair
insertAdjacentText ↔ void Function(InsertPosition, String)
getter/setter pair
localName String
Returns the local name.
no setter
matches bool Function(String)
getter/setter pair
namespaceURI String?
Returns the namespace.
no setter
onfullscreenchange ↔ (dynamic Function(Event)?)
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onfullscreenerror ↔ (dynamic Function(Event)?)
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
outerHTML String
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ownerDocument Document
Returns the node document. Returns null for documents.
no setter
part DOMTokenList
MDN Reference
no setter
prefix String?
Returns the namespace prefix.
no setter
releasePointerCapture ↔ void Function(num)
getter/setter pair
removeAttribute ↔ void Function(String)
getter/setter pair
removeAttributeNode Attr Function(Attr)
getter/setter pair
removeAttributeNS ↔ void Function(String, [String?])
getter/setter pair
removeEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(ElementEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
requestFullscreen Future<void> Function([FullscreenOptions?])
getter/setter pair
requestPointerLock ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
scroll → ({void Function([ScrollToOptions? options]) $1, void Function(num x, num y) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
scrollBy → ({void Function([ScrollToOptions? options]) $1, void Function(num x, num y) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
scrollHeight num
MDN Reference
no setter
scrollIntoView ↔ void Function([Object?])
getter/setter pair
scrollLeft num
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
scrollTo → ({void Function([ScrollToOptions? options]) $1, void Function(num x, num y) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
scrollTop num
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
scrollWidth num
MDN Reference
no setter
setAttribute ↔ void Function(String, String)
getter/setter pair
setAttributeNode Attr? Function(Attr)
getter/setter pair
setAttributeNodeNS Attr? Function(Attr)
getter/setter pair
setAttributeNS ↔ void Function(String, String, [String?])
getter/setter pair
setPointerCapture ↔ void Function(num)
getter/setter pair
shadowRoot ShadowRoot?
Returns element's shadow root, if any, and if shadow root's mode is "open", and null otherwise.
no setter
slot String
Returns the value of element's slot content attribute. Can be set to change it.
getter/setter pair
tagName String
Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.
no setter
toggleAttribute bool Function(String, [bool?])
getter/setter pair
webkitMatchesSelector bool Function(String)
getter/setter pair