Url$Typings extension



hash String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
host String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
hostname String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
href String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
origin String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

no setter
password String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
pathname String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
port String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
protocol String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
searchParams URLSearchParams

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

no setter
toJSON String Function()

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
toString$ String Function()

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
username String

Available on Url, provided by the Url$Typings extension

getter/setter pair