Storage$Typings extension
- on
- clear ↔ void Function()
Available on Storage, provided by the Storage$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - getItem ↔ String? Function(String)
Available on Storage, provided by the Storage$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - key ↔ String? Function(num)
Available on Storage, provided by the Storage$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - length → num
Available on Storage, provided by the Storage$Typings extension
Returns the number of key/value pairs currently present in the list associated with the setter - removeItem ↔ void Function(String)
Available on Storage, provided by the Storage$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - setItem ↔ void Function(String, String)
Available on Storage, provided by the Storage$Typings extension
getter/setter pair
operator [](
String index) → dynamic -
Available on Storage, provided by the Storage$Typings extension
operator []=(
String index, dynamic value) → void -
Available on Storage, provided by the Storage$Typings extension