CommandOptions$Typings extension



args List<String>?
Arguments to pass to the process.
getter/setter pair
clearEnv bool?
Clear environmental variables from parent process.
getter/setter pair
cwd Object?
The working directory of the process.
getter/setter pair
env ↔ dynamic
Environmental variables to pass to the subprocess.
getter/setter pair
gid num?
Similar to uid, but sets the group ID of the child process.
getter/setter pair
signal AbortSignal?
An {@linkcode AbortSignal} that allows closing the process using the corresponding {@linkcode AbortController} by sending the process a SIGTERM signal.
getter/setter pair
stderr Stderr?
How stderr of the spawned process should be handled.
getter/setter pair
stdin Stdin?
How stdin of the spawned process should be handled.
getter/setter pair
stdout Stdout?
How stdout of the spawned process should be handled.
getter/setter pair
uid num?
Sets the child process’s user ID. This translates to a setuid call in the child process. Failure in the set uid call will cause the spawn to fail.
getter/setter pair
windowsRawArguments bool?
Skips quoting and escaping of the arguments on windows. This option is ignored on non-windows platforms.
getter/setter pair