Gets or sets a Map holding all of the color stops used in this gradient,
where the key is a number, the fractional distance between 0 and 1 (inclusive),
and where the corresponding value is a color string.
Gets or sets the ending location for a linear or radial gradient.
A Spot value specifies a relative point in the object's GraphObject#naturalBounds.
The default value is Spot.BottomCenter for linear gradients and Spot.Center for radial gradients.
Gets or sets the starting location for a linear or radial gradient.
A Spot value specifies a relative point in the object's GraphObject#naturalBounds.
The default value is Spot.TopCenter for linear gradients and Spot.Center for radial gradients.
Gets or sets the type of brush.
The default value is Brush.Solid.
The value must be one of: Brush.Solid, Brush.Linear, Brush.Radial, Brush.Pattern.
If the new value is a linear or radial brush type,
and if the #start or #end spots are not specific spots,
they are changed to be specific spots, depending on the type of brush.
Specify a particular color at a particular fraction of the distance.
If the #type is Brush.Solid, change the type to Brush.Linear.
You should not have duplicate color stop values at the same fractional distance.
@param {number} loc A number between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
@param {string} color A valid CSS color string.
@return {Brush} this Brush
Modifies all colors within this Brush, darkening them by some fraction.
@param {number=} fraction Fraction to darken the colors by. Defaults to 0.2, must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
@param {EnumValue=} mode Color space to use for adjusting. Must be Brush.Lab or Brush.HSL, defaults to Brush.Lab.
@return {Brush} This Brush with modified color values.
@since 1.7
Modifies all colors within this Brush, lightening them by some fraction.
@param {number=} fraction Fraction to lighten the colors by. Defaults to 0.2, must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
@param {EnumValue=} mode Color space to use for adjusting. Must be Brush.Lab or Brush.HSL, defaults to Brush.Lab.
@return {Brush} This Brush with modified color values.
@since 1.7