fromJSON method

T fromJSON(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> json

Fetches the value of the column from the JSON.

Throws an exception if the column is not found in the JSON.


T fromJSON(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
  if (!json.containsKey(name)) throw SupaException.missingColumn(name);

  if (valueFromJSON != null) return valueFromJSON!(json[name] as J);
  if (T == BigInt || T == _Nullable<BigInt>) {
    return _fromSpecificType(
      (value) => BigInt.from(value as int),

  if (T == DateTime || T == _Nullable<DateTime>) {
    return _fromSpecificType(
      (value) => DateTime.parse(value as String),

  return json[name] as T;