paint method

void paint(
  1. SpanDecorationPaintDetails details

Called to draw the decoration around a span.

The provided SpanDecorationPaintDetails describes the bounds and orientation of the span that are currently visible inside the viewport. The extent of the actual span may be larger.

If a span contains pinned parts, paint is invoked separately for the pinned and unpinned parts. For example: If a row contains a pinned column, paint is called with the SpanDecorationPaintDetails.rect for the cell representing the pinned column and separately with another SpanDecorationPaintDetails.rect containing all the other unpinned cells.


void paint(SpanDecorationPaintDetails details) {
  if (color != null) {
    final Paint paint = Paint()
      ..color = color!
      ..isAntiAlias = borderRadius != null;
    if (borderRadius == null || borderRadius == {
      details.canvas.drawRect(details.rect, paint);
    } else {
  if (border != null) {
    border!.paint(details, borderRadius);