AppInsets class
→ double
The offset from the bottom.
final inherited
→ Offset
An Offset describing the vector from the bottom left of a rectangle to the
bottom left of that rectangle inset by this object.
no setter inherited
→ Offset
An Offset describing the vector from the bottom right of a rectangle to the
bottom right of that rectangle inset by this object.
no setter inherited
→ Size
The size that this EdgeInsets would occupy with an empty interior.
no setter inherited
→ EdgeInsets
An EdgeInsets with top and bottom as well as left and right flipped.
no setter inherited
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setter inherited
→ double
The total offset in the horizontal direction.
no setter inherited
→ bool
Whether every dimension is non-negative.
no setter inherited
→ double
The offset from the left.
final inherited
→ double
The offset from the right.
final inherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setter inherited
→ double
The offset from the top.
final inherited
→ Offset
An Offset describing the vector from the top left of a rectangle to the
top left of that rectangle inset by this object.
no setter inherited
→ Offset
An Offset describing the vector from the top right of a rectangle to the
top right of that rectangle inset by this object.
no setter inherited
→ double
The total offset in the vertical direction.
no setter inherited
add (EdgeInsetsGeometry other )
→ EdgeInsetsGeometry
Returns the sum of two EdgeInsetsGeometry objects.
along (Axis axis )
→ double
The total offset in the given direction.
clamp (EdgeInsetsGeometry min , EdgeInsetsGeometry max )
→ EdgeInsetsGeometry
Returns a new EdgeInsetsGeometry object with all values greater than
or equal to min
, and less than or equal to max
copyWith ({double ? left , double ? top , double ? right , double ? bottom })
→ EdgeInsets
Creates a copy of this EdgeInsets but with the given fields replaced
with the new values.
deflateRect (Rect rect )
→ Rect
Returns a new rect that is smaller than the given rect in each direction by
the amount of inset in each direction. Specifically, the left edge of the
rect is moved right by left , the top edge of the rect is moved down by
top , the right edge of the rect is moved left by right , and the
bottom edge of the rect is moved up by bottom .
deflateSize (Size size )
→ Size
Returns a new size that is smaller than the given size by the amount of
inset in the horizontal and vertical directions.
inflateRect (Rect rect )
→ Rect
Returns a new rect that is bigger than the given rect in each direction by
the amount of inset in each direction. Specifically, the left edge of the
rect is moved left by left , the top edge of the rect is moved up by
top , the right edge of the rect is moved right by right , and the
bottom edge of the rect is moved down by bottom .
inflateSize (Size size )
→ Size
Returns a new size that is bigger than the given size by the amount of
inset in the horizontal and vertical directions.
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
resolve (TextDirection ? direction )
→ EdgeInsets
Convert this instance into an EdgeInsets , which uses literal coordinates
(i.e. the left
coordinate being explicitly a distance from the left, and
the right
coordinate being explicitly a distance from the right).
subtract (EdgeInsetsGeometry other )
→ EdgeInsetsGeometry
Returns the difference between two EdgeInsetsGeometry objects.
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
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