Transmission class

Transmission object to interact with a remote instance Documentation about the API at


Transmission({String? baseUrl, String? proxyUrl, bool enableLog = false})
Documentation about the API at baseUrl url of the transmission server instance, default to http://localhost:9091/transmission/rpc proxyUrl url use as a proxy, urls will be added at the end before request, default to null enableLog boolean to show http logs or not


enableLog bool
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
proxified bool
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addTorrent({String? filename, String? metaInfo, String? downloadDir, String? cookies, bool? paused}) Future<TorrentLight>
Add torrent to transmission filename optional filename or URL of the .torrent file metaInfo optional base64-encoded .torrent content downloadDir optional directory where to download the torrent cookies optional pointer to a string of one or more cookies paused optional boolean to paused the torrent when added Returns TorrentLight light torrent info if added successfully Throws AddTorrentException if errors
askForMorePeers(List<int> ids) Future<void>
Ask for more peers for torrents by given ids ids integer identifier list of the torrents to remove Throws TransmissionException if errors
dispose() → void
close all connexions
getRecentlyActive({List<String> fields = const ['id', 'name', 'eta', 'queuePosition', 'downloadDir', 'isFinished', 'isStalled', 'leftUntilDone', 'metadataPercentComplete', 'error', 'errorString', 'percentDone', 'totalSize', 'peersConnected', 'sizeWhenDone', 'status', 'rateDownload', 'rateUpload', 'peersGettingFromUs', 'peersSendingToUs']}) Future<RecentlyActiveTorrent>
Get recently torrents activity fields list of fields to retrieve Returns list of RecentlyActiveTorrent that contain removed torrent ids or torrents update info Throws TransmissionException if errors
getSession({List<String> fields = const ['alt-speed-enabled', 'speed-limit-down-enabled', 'speed-limit-up-enabled', 'download-dir', 'speed-limit-down', 'speed-limit-up', 'alt-speed-down', 'alt-speed-up', 'version']}) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Get data session, fields can be provided to get only needed information fields to retrieve, can be checked at Returns Map of the session's data Throws TransmissionException if errors
getTorrents({List<String> fields = const ['id', 'name', 'eta', 'queuePosition', 'downloadDir', 'isFinished', 'isStalled', 'leftUntilDone', 'metadataPercentComplete', 'error', 'errorString', 'percentDone', 'totalSize', 'peersConnected', 'sizeWhenDone', 'status', 'rateDownload', 'rateUpload', 'peersGettingFromUs', 'peersSendingToUs']}) Future<List<Torrent>>
Get the list of torrents, fields can be provided to get only needed information fields to retrieve, can be checked at Returns list of Torrent currently in transmission instance Throws TransmissionException if errors
moveTorrents(List<int> ids, String location, {bool move = false}) Future<void>
Move torrents by their given ids ids integer identifier list of the torrents to remove location new location to move the torrent move if true, move from previous location otherwise, search "location" for files, default false Throws TransmissionException if errors
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeTorrents(List<int> ids, {bool deleteLocalData = false}) Future<void>
Remove torrents by their given ids ids integer identifier list of the torrents to remove deleteLocalData boolean to also delete local data, default false Throws TransmissionException if errors
renameTorrent(int id, {String? name, String? path}) Future<void>
Rename torrent by given id id of the torrent to rename name new name path old name Throws TransmissionException if errors
setSession(Map<String, dynamic> fields) Future<void>
Set data session fields to set, can be checked at Throws TransmissionException if errors
startNowTorrents(List<int> ids) Future<void>
Start torrents now by given ids ids integer identifier list of the torrents to remove Throws TransmissionException if errors
startTorrents(List<int> ids) Future<void>
Start torrents by given ids ids integer identifier list of the torrents to remove Throws TransmissionException if errors
stopTorrents(List<int> ids) Future<void>
Stop torrents by given ids ids integer identifier list of the torrents to remove Throws TransmissionException if errors
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
verifyTorrents(List<int> ids) Future<void>
Verify torrents by given ids ids integer identifier list of the torrents to remove Throws TransmissionException if errors


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.