MapUtil extension



clone() Map
Clone map as new map.
get<T>(String key) → T?
Get map value by key as specific type.
getBoolean(String key) bool?
Get map value by key as boolean.
getDouble(String key) double?
Get map value by key as double.
getInt(String key) int?
Get map value by key as int.
getList(String key) List?
Get map value by key as list.
getMap(String key) Map?
Get map value by key as map.
getString(String key) String?
Get map value by key as string.
parse(String mapString) → void
Parse json string to map.
set(dynamic key, dynamic value) → void
Set value of map.
toMapTransform(ToolkitCase mode) Map
Generate map and transform keys.
toStringify() String
Generate map to json string
toStringifyTransform(ToolkitCase mode) String
Generate map to json string and transform keys.