TimelineDivider constructor

const TimelineDivider({
  1. Key? key,
  2. TimelineAxis axis = TimelineAxis.horizontal,
  3. double thickness = 2,
  4. double begin = 0.0,
  5. double end = 1.0,
  6. Color color = Colors.grey,

Creates a material design divider that can be used in conjunction to TimelineTile.


const TimelineDivider({
  Key? key,
  this.axis = TimelineAxis.horizontal,
  this.thickness = 2,
  this.begin = 0.0,
  this.end = 1.0,
  this.color = Colors.grey,
})  : assert(thickness >= 0.0, 'The thickness must be a positive value'),
      assert(begin >= 0.0 && begin <= 1.0,
          'The begin value must be between 0.0 and 1.0'),
      assert(end >= 0.0 && end <= 1.0,
          'The end value must be between 0.0 and 1.0'),
      assert(end > begin, 'The end value must be bigger than the begin'),
      super(key: key);