ZonedDateTime.atOffset constructor

  1. LocalDateTime localDateTime,
  2. DateTimeZone zone,
  3. Offset offset

Initializes a new instance of ZonedDateTime in the specified time zone from a given local time and offset. The offset is validated to be correct as part of initialization. In most cases a local time can only map to a single instant anyway, but the offset is included here for cases where the local time is ambiguous, usually due to daylight saving transitions.

  • localDateTime: The local date and time.

  • zone: The time zone.

  • offset: The offset between UTC and local time at the desired instant.

  • ArgumentError: offset is not a valid offset at the given local date and time.


factory ZonedDateTime.atOffset(LocalDateTime localDateTime, DateTimeZone zone, Offset offset)
  zone = Preconditions.checkNotNull(zone, 'zone');
  Instant candidateInstant = ILocalDateTime.toLocalInstant(localDateTime).minus(offset);
  Offset correctOffset = zone.getUtcOffset(candidateInstant);
  // Not using Preconditions, to avoid building the string unnecessarily.
  if (correctOffset != offset) {
    throw ArgumentError('Offset $offset is invalid for local date and time $localDateTime in time zone ${} offset');
  var offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime(localDateTime, offset);
  return ZonedDateTime._(offsetDateTime, zone);