
TikTok Double Tap Like


TikTok Double Tap Like is a Flutter package that provides a widget that can be used to like a video by double tapping on it, just like TikTok.



      onLike: (likeCount) {
        //Do something when the user double taps
      likeWidget: const Image(image: AssetImage('assets/icons/heart.png')),
      likeWidth: 200,
      likeHeight: 200,
      child: VideoPlayer(),


  • You have to provide a widget that will be displayed when the user double taps on the screen, whether Text, Icon...etc. You can use the likeWidget property to provide that widget.

  • You can also provide the width and height of the widget using the likeWidth and likeHeight properties. The default values are 200 each.

  • You have the likeCount param in onLike in case you want to know how many times the user has liked the video.

  • It's pretty efficient and performant, I've created the animation explicitly using AnimationController, Animation, Tween and AnimatedBuilder. Also, there's an applied mechanism to removing the added hearts off of the screen.

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