three_dart_jsm/modifiers/index library


A helper class for making meshes bend aroudn curves
A helper class for creating instanced versions of flow, where the instances are placed on the curve.
Break faces with edges longer than maxEdgeLength


channels int
getter/setter pair
matrix ↔ Matrix4
getter/setter pair
textureHeight int
getter/setter pair
textureWidth int
getter/setter pair


getUniforms(dynamic splineTexture) → dynamic
Create a new set of uniforms for describing the curve modifier
initSplineTexture({int numberOfCurves = 1}) → dynamic
Make a new DataTexture to store the descriptions of the curves.
modifyShader(dynamic material, dynamic uniforms, {dynamic numberOfCurves = 1}) → dynamic
setTextureValue(dynamic texture, dynamic index, dynamic x, dynamic y, dynamic z, dynamic o) → dynamic
updateSplineTexture(dynamic texture, dynamic splineCurve, {dynamic offset = 0}) → dynamic
Write the curve description to the data texture