OBB class


OBB({dynamic center, dynamic halfSize, dynamic rotation})


center ↔ Vector3
getter/setter pair
halfSize ↔ Vector3
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
rotation ↔ Matrix3
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


applyMatrix4(dynamic matrix) → dynamic
clampPoint(dynamic point, dynamic result) → dynamic
  • Reference: Closest Point on OBB to Point in Real-Time Collision Detection
    • by Christer Ericson (chapter 5.1.4)
  • clone() → dynamic
    containsPoint(dynamic point) → dynamic
    copy(dynamic obb) → dynamic
    equals(dynamic obb) → dynamic
    fromBox3(dynamic box3) → dynamic
    getSize(dynamic result) → dynamic
    intersectRay(dynamic ray, dynamic result) → dynamic
  • Performs a ray/OBB intersection test and stores the intersection point
    • to the given 3D vector. If no intersection is detected, null is returned.
  • intersectsBox3(dynamic box3) → dynamic
    intersectsOBB(dynamic obb, {dynamic epsilon = Math.EPSILON}) → dynamic
  • Reference: OBB-OBB Intersection in Real-Time Collision Detection
    • by Christer Ericson (chapter 4.4.1) *
  • intersectsPlane(dynamic plane) → dynamic
  • Reference: Testing Box Against Plane in Real-Time Collision Detection
    • by Christer Ericson (chapter 5.2.3)
  • intersectsRay(dynamic ray) → dynamic
  • Performs a ray/OBB intersection test. Returns either true or false if
    • there is a intersection or not.
  • intersectsSphere(dynamic sphere) → dynamic
    noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
    Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
    set(dynamic center, dynamic halfSize, dynamic rotation) → dynamic
    toString() String
    A string representation of this object.


    operator ==(Object other) bool
    The equality operator.