paintCustomOverflowIndicator method

void paintCustomOverflowIndicator(
  1. PaintingContext context,
  2. Offset offset,
  3. Rect containerRect,
  4. Rect childRect, {
  5. List<DiagnosticsNode>? overflowHints,

To be called when the overflow indicators should be painted.

Typically only called if there is an overflow, and only from within a debug build.

See example code in DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin documentation.


void paintCustomOverflowIndicator(
  PaintingContext context,
  Offset offset,
  Rect containerRect,
  Rect childRect, {
  List<DiagnosticsNode>? overflowHints,
}) {
  final RelativeRect overflow =
      RelativeRect.fromRect(containerRect, childRect);

  if (overflow.left <= 0.0 &&
      overflow.right <= 0.0 && <= 0.0 &&
      overflow.bottom <= 0.0) {

  final List<_OverflowRegionData> overflowRegions =
      _calculateOverflowRegions(overflow, containerRect);
  for (final _OverflowRegionData region in overflowRegions) {
    context.canvas.drawRect(region.rect.shift(offset), _indicatorPaint);
    final TextSpan? textSpan =
        _indicatorLabel[region.side.index].text as TextSpan?;
    if (textSpan?.text != region.label) {
      _indicatorLabel[region.side.index].text = TextSpan(
        text: region.label,
        style: _indicatorTextStyle,

    final Offset labelOffset = region.labelOffset + offset;
    final Offset centerOffset =
        Offset(-_indicatorLabel[region.side.index].width / 2.0, 0.0);
    final Rect textBackgroundRect =
        centerOffset & _indicatorLabel[region.side.index].size;;
    context.canvas.translate(labelOffset.dx, labelOffset.dy);
    context.canvas.drawRect(textBackgroundRect, _labelBackgroundPaint);
    _indicatorLabel[region.side.index].paint(context.canvas, centerOffset);

  if (_overflowReportNeeded) {
    _overflowReportNeeded = false;
    _reportOverflow(overflow, overflowHints);