createFixedSize static method

TensorBuffer createFixedSize(
  1. List<int> shape,
  2. TfLiteType dataType

Creates a TensorBuffer with specified shape and TfLiteType. Here are some examples:

Creating a float TensorBuffer with shape [2, 3]:
List<int> shape = [2, 3];
TensorBuffer tensorBuffer = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(shape, TfLiteType.float32);
Creating an uint8 TensorBuffer of a scalar:
List<int> shape = [2, 3];
TensorBuffer tensorBuffer = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(shape, TfLiteType.uint8);
Creating an empty uint8 TensorBuffer:
List<int> shape = [0];
TensorBuffer tensorBuffer = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(shape, TfLiteType.uint8);

The size of a fixed-size TensorBuffer cannot be changed once it is created.

Throws ArgumentError.notNull if shape is null and ArgumentError is shape has non-positive elements.


static TensorBuffer createFixedSize(List<int> shape, TfLiteType dataType) {
  switch (dataType) {
    case TfLiteType.float32:
      return TensorBufferFloat(shape);
    case TfLiteType.uint8:
      return TensorBufferUint8(shape);
      throw ArgumentError(
          'TensorBuffer does not support data type: \" +$dataType');