KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Extension methods and properties on KeywordPostingsMap.



docIds Set<String>

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Returns all the unique document ids (dStringnt id) in the KeywordPostingsMap.
no setter
keywords List<String>

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Returns the keywords (keys) as an ordered list, sorted alphabetically.
no setter


addDocKeywordScore(String keyword, String docId, double score) bool

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Adds a keword score for the docId to KeywordPostingsMap entry for the keyword.
containsAll(Iterable<String> keywords) Set<String>

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Returns a Set of dStringnt id of those documents that contain all the keywords.
containsAny(Iterable<String> keywords) Set<String>

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Returns a Set of dStringnt id of those documents that contain any of the keywords. Used for index-elimination as a fist pass in scoring and ranking of search results.
documentPostings(Iterable<String> docIds) KeywordPostingsMap

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Filters the KeywordPostingsMap by document ids.
filter({Iterable<String>? keywords, Iterable<String>? docIds}) KeywordPostingsMap

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Filters the KeywordPostingsMap by keywords AND docIds.
getKeywordsPostings(Iterable<String> keywords) KeywordPostingsMap

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Filters the KeywordPostingsMap by keywords.
keywordPostings(String keyword) List<MapEntry<String, double>>

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Returns the list of all the entries for the keyword from the KeywordPostingsMap.
keywordPostingsList([Iterable<String>? keywords]) List<MapEntry<String, double>>

Available on KeywordPostingsMap, provided by the KeywordPostingsExtension extension

Returns the list of all the MapEntry<String, double> for the keywords from the KeywordPostingsMap.