DictionaryExtensions extension

Extensions on DftMapEntry.



terms List<String>

Available on DftMap, provided by the DictionaryExtensions extension

Returns the dictionary terms (keys) as an ordered list, sorted alphabetically.
no setter


addEntry(DftMapEntry value) → void

Available on DftMap, provided by the DictionaryExtensions extension

Inserts or replaces the value in the DftMap.
getEntries(Iterable<String> terms) DftMap

Available on DftMap, provided by the DictionaryExtensions extension

Filters the DftMap by terms.
getFrequency(String term) Ft

Available on DftMap, provided by the DictionaryExtensions extension

Returns the mapped value for the term key from the DftMap.
idFt(String term, int n) double?

Available on DftMap, provided by the DictionaryExtensions extension

Returns the inverse document frequency of the term for a corpus of size n.
idFtMap(int collectionSize) Map<String, double>

Available on DftMap, provided by the DictionaryExtensions extension

Returns a hashmap of term to inverse document frequency of the term.
incrementFrequency(String term) DftMapEntry

Available on DftMap, provided by the DictionaryExtensions extension

Returns a DftMapEntry with the key set to term.
setFrequency(String term, Ft frequency) DftMapEntry

Available on DftMap, provided by the DictionaryExtensions extension

Returns a DftMapEntry with:
tfIdfMap(Map<String, num> termFrequencies, int n) Map<String, double>

Available on DftMap, provided by the DictionaryExtensions extension

Returns a hashmap of term to Tf-idf weight for a document.