TextIndexer class abstract

Interface for classes that construct and maintain a InvertedIndex for a collection of documents (corpus).

Text or documents can be indexed by calling the following methods:

Implemented types




analyzer TextAnalyzer
The text analyser that extracts tokens from text for the index.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
k int
The length of k-gram entries in the k-gram index.
no setterinherited
nGramRange NGramRange?
The minimum and maximum length of n-grams in the index.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
vocabularyLength Future<Ft>
Returns the number of terms in the vocabulary (N).
no setterinherited
zones ZoneWeightMap
Maps zone names to their relative weight in the index.
no setterinherited


dispose() Future<void>
Cancels any stream all listeners.
getCollectionSize() Future<int>
Asynchronously returns the total number of documents in the indexed collection.
getDictionary([Iterable<String>? terms]) Future<DftMap>
Asynchronously retrieves a DftMap for the terms from a DftMap repository.
getKeywordPostings(Iterable<String> keywords) Future<KeywordPostingsMap>
Asynchronously retrieves PostingsMapEntry entities for the terms from a PostingsMap repository.
getKGramIndex(Iterable<String> kGrams) Future<KGramsMap>
Asynchronously retrieves a KGramsMap for the terms from a KGramsMap repository.
getPostings(Iterable<String> terms) Future<PostingsMap>
Asynchronously retrieves PostingsMapEntry entities for the terms from a PostingsMap repository.
indexCollection(Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> collection, {TokenFilter? tokenFilter}) Future<void>
Indexes the InvertedIndex.zones of all the documents in collection.
indexCollectionStream(Stream<JsonCollection> collectionStream, {TokenFilter? tokenFilter}) → void
Indexes the documents emitted by collectionStream.
indexDocumentStream(Stream<MapEntry<String, JSON>> documentStream, {TokenFilter? tokenFilter}) → void
Indexes the documents emitted by documentStream.
indexJson(String docId, Map<String, dynamic> json, {TokenFilter? tokenFilter}) Future<void>
Indexes the InvertedIndex.zones in a json document, returning a list of DocPostingsMapEntry.
indexText(String docId, String docText, {String? zone, TokenFilter? tokenFilter}) Future<void>
Indexes a text document, returning a PostingsMap.
indexTokens(String docId, Iterable<Token> tokens) Future<void>
Updates the index with the tokens for docId.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateIndexes(PostingsMap postings, KeywordPostingsMap keywordPostings, Iterable<Token> tokens) Future<void>
The updateIndexes method updates the DftMap, PostingsMap, KeywordPostingsMap and KGramsMap.
upsertDictionary(DftMap values) Future<void>
Inserts values into a DftMap repository, overwriting them if they already exist.
upsertKeywordPostings(KeywordPostingsMap values) Future<void>
Inserts values into a PostingsMap repository, overwriting them if they already exist.
upsertKGramIndex(KGramsMap values) Future<void>
Inserts values into a KGramsMap repository, overwriting any existing entries.
upsertPostings(PostingsMap values) Future<void>
Inserts values into a PostingsMap repository, overwriting them if they already exist.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.