InvertedIndex class abstract

An interface that exposes methods for working with an inverted, positional zoned index on a collection of documents.



InvertedIndex({required CollectionSizeCallback collectionSizeLoader, required DftMapLoader dictionaryLoader, required DftMapUpdater dictionaryUpdater, required CollectionSizeCallback dictionaryLengthLoader, required KGramsMapLoader kGramIndexLoader, required KGramsMapUpdater kGramIndexUpdater, required PostingsMapLoader postingsLoader, required PostingsMapUpdater postingsUpdater, required KeywordPostingsMapLoader keywordPostingsLoader, required KeywordPostingsMapUpdater keywordPostingsUpdater, required TextAnalyzer analyzer, TokenFilter? tokenFilter, Map<String, int>? dictionary, Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, List<int>>>>? postings, Map<String, Set<String>>? kGramIndex, int k = 2, NGramRange? nGramRange, Map<String, double> zones = const <String, double>{}})
/// A factory constructor that returns an AsyncCallbackIndex instance.
InvertedIndex.inMemory({required TextAnalyzer analyzer, required int collectionSize, Map<String, int>? dictionary, Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, List<int>>>>? postings, KeywordPostingsMap? keywordPostings, Map<String, Set<String>>? kGramIndex, int k = 2, NGramRange? nGramRange, Map<String, double> zones = const <String, double>{}})
A factory constructor that returns an InMemoryIndex instance.


analyzer TextAnalyzer
The text analyser that extracts tokens from text for the index.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
k int
The length of k-gram entries in the k-gram index.
no setter
nGramRange NGramRange?
The minimum and maximum length of n-grams in the index.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
vocabularyLength Future<Ft>
Returns the number of terms in the vocabulary (N).
no setter
zones ZoneWeightMap
Maps zone names to their relative weight in the index.
no setter


getCollectionSize() Future<int>
Asynchronously returns the total number of documents in the indexed collection.
getDictionary([Iterable<String>? terms]) Future<DftMap>
Asynchronously retrieves a DftMap for the terms from a DftMap repository.
getKeywordPostings(Iterable<String> keywords) Future<KeywordPostingsMap>
Asynchronously retrieves PostingsMapEntry entities for the terms from a PostingsMap repository.
getKGramIndex(Iterable<String> kGrams) Future<KGramsMap>
Asynchronously retrieves a KGramsMap for the terms from a KGramsMap repository.
getPostings(Iterable<String> terms) Future<PostingsMap>
Asynchronously retrieves PostingsMapEntry entities for the terms from a PostingsMap repository.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
upsertDictionary(DftMap values) Future<void>
Inserts values into a DftMap repository, overwriting them if they already exist.
upsertKeywordPostings(KeywordPostingsMap values) Future<void>
Inserts values into a PostingsMap repository, overwriting them if they already exist.
upsertKGramIndex(KGramsMap values) Future<void>
Inserts values into a KGramsMap repository, overwriting any existing entries.
upsertPostings(PostingsMap values) Future<void>
Inserts values into a PostingsMap repository, overwriting them if they already exist.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

docTermFrequencies(PostingsMap postings, [ZoneWeightMap? zones]) Map<String, double>
Returns a hashmap of term to weighted document term frequency by iterating over the postings to aggregate the document frequency for the term.
ftdPostingsFromPostings(PostingsMap postings, [Ft minFtd = 1]) FtdPostings
Returns a map of terms to hashmaps of document id to Ft.
tfIndexFromPostings(PostingsMap postings) DftMap
Returns a DftMap by iterating over the postings to aggregate the document frequency for the term.