testScreen function

  1. @isTestGroup
void testScreen(
  1. Object description,
  2. Future<Widget> createScreen(),
  3. Future<void> onTest(
    1. WidgetTester tester
    ), {
  4. TestScreenConfig? config,
  5. UITargetPlatform? onlyPlatform,

It does exactly the same than testScreenUI, but doesn't do the golden files bitmap comparison.

Every time the test is executed, the screen created by the test is compared with the png file of the golden dir. This consumes a lot of time. testScreen doesn't do this comparison.


void testScreen(Object description, Future<Widget> Function() createScreen,
    Future<void> Function(WidgetTester tester) onTest,
    {TestScreenConfig? config, UITargetPlatform? onlyPlatform}) {
  _internalTestScreen(description, createScreen, onTest,
      config: config, onlyPlatform: onlyPlatform, testUI: false);