test_screen library


Recover the list of Android devices that are defined in Firebase Test Lab.
Compare the Actual finder children with the finders sequencially.
Recover the list of iOS devices that are defined in Firebase Test Lab.
Configuration for screen tests. locales a list of locales to test.
Definition of a device for testing.


The platform that user interaction should adapt to target. This is the same enum than TargetPlatform on foundation/platform.dart, but web is added


initializeDefaultTestScreenConfig(TestScreenConfig config, {List<TestScreenFont> fonts = const [], bool loadDefaultFonts = true}) Future<void>
Initialize the default configuration for all the screen tests. fonts are a list of fonts to use in the screen test. loadDefaultFonts loads all the fonts that you have on your project, additionally test_screen have a Roboto font for Android and a SFProDisplay-Regular and SFProText-Regular for iOS.
testScreen(Object description, Future<Widget> createScreen(), Future<void> onTest(WidgetTester tester), {TestScreenConfig? config, UITargetPlatform? onlyPlatform}) → void
It does exactly the same than testScreenUI, but doesn't do the golden files bitmap comparison.
testScreenUI(Object description, Future<Widget> createScreen(), {Future<void> onTest(WidgetTester tester)?, String? goldenDir, TestScreenConfig? config, UITargetPlatform? onlyPlatform}) → void
Use this function for testing custom StatelessWidgets and StatefulWidgets that represent screens.