test_case_combinator library

A small library with no dependencies that simplifies writing tests where verifying all possible combinations of the input parameters is required.

An example would be a function like this:

bool isAll(bool a1, bool a2, bool a3, bool a4, bool a6) {
  return a1 && a2 && a3 && a4 && a5 && a6;

To fully test the function above you would need 32 test cases, where only one is expected to produce the true result. That is a lot of test cases to write, and it is easy to make a typo on the way.

This library allows easily solving a task like that by allowing all test cases to be generated automatically from combinations of the input parameters.


Builder for test cases based on all possible combinations of the input arguments.


TestCaseCombinatorArgument<T> = (Iterable, T Function(T, dynamic))
An argument for TestCaseCombinator, that provides the values the argument could take, and a function which applies a particular value to the resulting test case T.