TTMultiMap<V> class abstract

A Multimap with prefix and near neighbour searching capability across keys.


Use as a generic multimap of arbitrary type. Key->Values relations are stored as either Set or List as below.

final ttMultimapList = ternarytreap.TTMultiMapList<int>()
  ..addValues('zebra', [])
  ..add('zebra', 23)
  ..addValues('cat', [1, 2])
  ..addValues('canary', [3, 4])
  ..addValues('dog', [5, 6, 7, 9])
  ..addValues('cow', [4])
  ..addValues('donkey', [7, 5, 1])
  ..addValues('donkey', [6, 8, 3])
  ..add('goat', 7)
  ..add('pig', 3)
  ..addValues('horse', [9, 5, 8])
  ..addValues('rat', [2, 3])
  ..add('sheep', 7)
  ..addValues('ape', [5, 6, 7])
  ..add('zonkey') // Yes it's a thing!
  ..add('dingo', 5)
  ..addValues('kangaroo', [4, 5, 7])
  ..add('crocodile', 5)
  ..addValues('cow', [3])
  ..addValues('zebra', [23, 24, 24, 25]);

Entries with keys starting with 'z'

(zebra, zonkey)
(MapEntry(zebra: [23, 23, 24, 24, 25]), MapEntry(zonkey: []))
(23, 23, 24, 24, 25)

Same data using Set for value storage. Repeated values are removed.

final ttMultimapSet =

Entries with keys starting with 'z' with values.

(MapEntry(zebra: {23, 24, 25}), MapEntry(zonkey: {}))

Near neighbour searching

TTMultiMap supports near neighbour searching. Keys starting with 'cow' and maxPrefixEditDistance of 2. i.e.: cow, chicken, crocodile, canary, cat, dog, donkey, goat, hawk, horse, zonkey

print(ttMultimapSet.keysByPrefix('cow', maxPrefixEditDistance: 2).join(', '));
cow, chicken, crocodile, canary, cat, dog, donkey, goat, hawk, horse, zonkey

Case sensitivity and other key transformations

Use key mappings to specify key transforms during all operations.

final ttMultiMap = ternarytreap.TTMultiMapSet<String>(ternarytreap.lowercase)
  ..addKeys(['TeStInG', 'Cat', 'cAt', 'testinG', 'DOG', 'dog']);
(cat, dog, testing)

Depending on the KeyMapping this may result in 1 to many relationships between input string and key.

For example case insensitivity can be achieved by applying a lowercase mapping to all keys. If original strings are required than these must be stored as values.

final keyValues = ['TeStInG', 'Cat', 'cAt', 'testinG', 'DOG', 'dog'];
final ttMultiMap = ternarytreap.TTMultiMapSet<String>.fromIterables(
     keyValues, keyValues, ternarytreap.lowercase);
(MapEntry(cat: {Cat, cAt}), MapEntry(dog: {DOG, dog}), MapEntry(testing: {TeStInG, testinG}))
(Cat, cAt)


A TTMultiMap is a self balancing compact ternary tree.

               +---+   Graph with 3 keys,
               | C |   each associated with
               +-+-+   different number of
                 |     value objects:
               +-+-+   CAN: no value
  +------------+U 5|   CUP: 2 value objects
  |            +-+-+   CUT: 1 value object
+-+-+            |
|A 3|            |     * Numbers represent priorities.
|N  |          +-+-+   * Non branching middle children are collapsed.
+-+-+          |P 8+-------------+
               +-+-+             |
                 |             +-+-+
                 |             |T 2|
         +------+++------+     +-+-+
         | Value | Value |       |
         +------+-+------+       |
                             | Value |

Each Node stores:

  • A list of characters Node.runes such that Ternary Tree invarient is maintained: Node.runes.left.first < Node.runes.first & Node.runes.right.first > Node.runes.first
  • An integer priority value Node.priority such that Treap invarient:
(Node.left.priority < Node.priority) &&
(Node.right.priority < Node.priority)

is maintained.

Non branching middle nodes are collapsed into single node making this a compact trie.

Note: Key nodes with empty Value collections all share a common empty collection object.





entries Iterable<MapEntry<String, Iterable<V>>>
Iterates through TTMultiMap as MapEntry objects.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
Returns true if there are no keys in the TTMultiMap.
no setter
isNotEmpty bool
Returns true if there is at least one key in the TTMultiMap.
no setter
keyMapping KeyMapping
The KeyMapping in use by this TTMultiMap. Is applied to all incoming keys.
no setter
keys TTIterable<String>
Return Iterable view of keys
no setter
length int
The number of keys in the TTMultiMap.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
values Iterable<V>
Return Iterable view of values
no setter


add(String key, V value) bool
Insert a key and value association.
addAll(TTMultiMap<V> other) → void
Add all key/value pairs from other.
addEntries(Iterable<MapEntry<String, Iterable<V>>> entries) → void
Adds all associations contained in entries to this TTMultiMap.
addKey(String key) bool
Add key to collection.
addKeys(Iterable<String> keys) → void
Add each key in keys.
addValues(String key, Iterable<V> values) → void
Add all values to specified key
asMap() Map<String, Iterable<V>>
Return a view of this TTMultiMap as a Map
clear() → void
Removes all data from the TTMultiMap.
contains(String key, V value) bool
Returns whether this TTMultiMap contains an association between keyMapping(key) and value.
containsKey(String key) bool
Returns whether this TTMultiMap contains key.
containsValue(V value) bool
Returns whether this TTMultiMap contains value at least once.
entriesByKeyPrefix(String prefix, {int maxPrefixEditDistance = 0}) TTIterable<MapEntry<String, Iterable<V>>>
Iterates through TTMultiMap as MapEntry objects such that only keys prefixed by keyMapping(prefix) are included.
forEach(void f(String key, V value)) → void
Applies f to each key/value pair of the TTMultiMap
forEachKey(void f(String key, Iterable<V> values)) → void
Applies f to each key/value pair of the TTMultiMap where key matches specified key.
forEachKeyPrefixedBy(String prefix, void f(String key, Iterable<V> values), {int maxPrefixEditDistance = 0}) → void
Applies f to each key/value pair of the TTMultiMap where key is prefixed by prefix.
keysByPrefix(String prefix, {int maxPrefixEditDistance = 0}) TTIterable<String>
Iterates through TTMultiMap keys such that only keys prefixed by keyMapping(prefix) are included.
longestCommonKeyPrefixByKeyPrefix(String prefix) String
Find the longest common key prefix for all keys prefixed by prefix.
lookup(String key, V value) → V?
If TTMultiMap contains specified (key, value) pair then return stored value.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
remove(String key, V value) bool
Removes the association between the given key and value.
removeKey(String key) Iterable<V>?
Removes key and all associated values.
removeValues(String key) Iterable<V>?
Removes all values associated with key. The key remains present, mapped to an empty iterable.
sizeOf([int valueSizeInBytes = 0]) int
Return approximate size of tree in bytes
toJson({bool includeValues = true, dynamic valueToEncodable(V value)}) Map<String, dynamic>
Return Json representation of TTMultiMap.
toString({String paddingChar = '-'}) String
Generate a string representation of this TTMultiMap.
valuesByKeyPrefix(String prefix, {int maxPrefixEditDistance = 0}) TTIterable<V>
Iterates through TTMultiMap values for each key such that only keys prefixed by keyMapping(prefix) are included.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](String key) Iterable<V>?
Return Iterable of values for specified key.
operator []=(String key, Iterable<V> values) → void
Set Iterable of values corresponding to key.