TRTCCloud class abstract

The main API class of TRTC video call function




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


callExperimentalAPI(String jsonStr) String
Call experimental APIs
connectOtherRoom(String param) → void
Request cross-room call
disconnectOtherRoom() → void
Exit cross-room call
enableAudioVolumeEvaluation(bool enable, TRTCAudioVolumeEvaluateParams params) → void
Enable volume reminder
enableCustomAudioCapture(bool enable) → void
Enable custom audio capturing mode
enableCustomVideoCapture(TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, bool enable) → void
Enable/Disable custom video capturing mode
enableMixExternalAudioFrame(bool enablePublish, bool enablePlayout) → void
Enable/Disable custom audio track
enableSmallVideoStream(bool enable, TRTCVideoEncParam smallVideoEncParam) int
Enable dual-channel encoding mode with big and small images
enterRoom(TRTCParams param, TRTCAppScene scene) → void
Enter an audio or video call room (hereinafter referred to as "enter room").
exitRoom() → void
Exit room
getAudioCaptureVolume() int
Get the capturing volume of local audio
getAudioEffectManager() TXAudioEffectManager
Get sound effect management class (TXAudioEffectManager)
getAudioPlayoutVolume() int
Get the playback volume of remote audio
getDeviceManager() TXDeviceManager
Get device management class (TXDeviceManager)
getScreenCaptureSources(TRTCSize thumbnail, TRTCSize icon) TRTCScreenCaptureSourceList?
Enumerate shareable screens and windows (for desktop systems only)
getSDKVersion() String
Get SDK version information
muteAllRemoteAudio(bool mute) → void
Pause/Resume playing back all remote users' audio streams
muteAllRemoteVideoStreams(bool mute) → void
Pause/Resume subscribing to all remote users' video streams
muteLocalAudio(bool mute) → void
Pause/Resume publishing local audio stream
muteLocalVideo(TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, bool mute) → void
Pause/Resume publishing local video stream
muteRemoteAudio(String userId, bool mute) → void
Pause/Resume playing back remote audio stream
muteRemoteVideoStream(String userId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, bool mute) → void
Pause/Resume subscribing to remote user's video stream
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pauseScreenCapture() → void
Pause screen sharing
registerListener(TRTCCloudListener func) → void
Add TRTC event callback
resumeScreenCapture() → void
Resume screen sharing
selectScreenCaptureTarget(TRTCScreenCaptureSourceInfo source, TRTCRect rect, TRTCScreenCaptureProperty property) → void
Select the screen or window to share (for desktop systems only)
sendCustomAudioData(TRTCAudioFrame frame) → void
Deliver captured audio data to SDK
sendCustomCmdMsg(int cmdID, String data, bool reliable, bool ordered) bool
Use UDP channel to send custom message to all users in room
sendCustomVideoData(TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, TRTCVideoFrame frame) → void
Deliver captured video frames to SDK
sendSEIMsg(String data, int repeatCount) bool
Use SEI channel to send custom message to all users in room
setAudioCaptureVolume(int volume) → void
Set the capturing volume of local audio
setAudioPlayoutVolume(int volume) → void
Set the playback volume of remote audio
setBeautyStyle(TRTCBeautyStyle style, int beautyLevel, int whitenessLevel, int ruddinessLevel) → void
Set special effects such as beauty, brightening, and rosy skin filters The SDK is integrated with two skin smoothing algorithms of different styles: "Smooth" style, which uses a more radical algorithm for more obvious effect and is suitable for show live streaming. "Natural" style, which retains more facial details for more natural effect and is suitable for most live streaming use cases.
setConsoleEnabled(bool enabled) → void
Enable/Disable console log printing
setDefaultStreamRecvMode(bool autoRecvAudio, bool autoRecvVideo) → void
Set Subscription Mode (which must be set before room entry for it to take effect)
setGravitySensorAdaptiveMode(TRTCGSensorMode mode) → void
Set the adaptation mode of gravity sensing
setLocalRenderParams(TRTCRenderParams params) → void
Set the rendering parameters of local video image
setLogCallback(TRTCLogCallback? callback) → void
Set log callback
setLogCompressEnabled(bool enabled) → void
Enable/Disable local log compression
setLogDirPath(String path) → void
Set local log storage path
setLogLevel(TRTCLogLevel level) → void
Set log output level
setNetworkQosParam(TRTCNetworkQosParam params) → void
Set network quality control parameters
setRemoteAudioVolume(String userId, int volume) → void
Set the audio playback volume of a remote user
setRemoteRenderParams(String userId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, TRTCRenderParams params) → void
Set the rendering mode of remote video image
setRemoteVideoStreamType(String userId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType) → void
Switch the big/small image of specified remote user
setSubStreamEncoderParam(TRTCVideoEncParam param) → void
Set the video encoding parameters of screen sharing (i.e., substream) (for desktop and mobile systems)
setSystemAudioLoopbackVolume(int volume) → void
Set the volume of system audio capturing(Only supports Windows)
setVideoEncoderParam(TRTCVideoEncParam params) → void
Set the encoding parameters of video encoder
showDebugView(int showType) → void
Display dashboard
snapshotVideo(String userId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, TRTCSnapshotSourceType sourceType) → void
Screencapture video(Only supports Windows)
startLocalAudio(TRTCAudioQuality quality) → void
Enable local audio capturing and publishing
startLocalPreview(bool frontCamera, int viewId) → void
Enable the preview image of local camera
startLocalRecording(TRTCLocalRecordingParams param) int
Start local media recording
startPublishMediaStream(TRTCPublishTarget target, TRTCStreamEncoderParam param, TRTCStreamMixingConfig config) → void
Publish a stream
startRemoteView(String userId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, int viewId) → void
Subscribe to remote user's video stream and bind video rendering control
startScreenCapture(int viewId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, TRTCVideoEncParam encParam) → void
Start screen sharing
startSpeedTest(TRTCSpeedTestParams params) int
Start network speed test (used before room entry)
startSystemAudioLoopback({String? deviceName}) → void
Enable system audio capturing (Only supports Windows)
stopAllRemoteView() → void
Stop subscribing to all remote users' video streams and release all rendering resources
stopLocalAudio() → void
Stop local audio capturing and publishing
stopLocalPreview() → void
Stop camera preview
stopLocalRecording() → void
Stop local media recording
stopPublishMediaStream(String taskId) → void
Stop publishing
stopRemoteView(String userId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType) → void
Stop subscribing to remote user's video stream and release rendering control
stopScreenCapture() → void
Stop screen sharing
stopSpeedTest() → void
Stop network speed test
stopSystemAudioLoopback() → void
Stop system audio capturing(Only supports Windows)
switchRole(TRTCRoleType role) → void
Switch role
switchRoom(TRTCSwitchRoomConfig config) → void
Switch room
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unRegisterListener(TRTCCloudListener func) → void
Remove TRTC event callback
updateLocalView(int viewId) → void
Update the preview image of local camera
updatePublishMediaStream(String taskId, TRTCPublishTarget target, TRTCStreamEncoderParam param, TRTCStreamMixingConfig config) → void
Modify publishing parameters
updateRemoteView(String userId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, int viewId) → void
Update remote user's video rendering control


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

destroySharedInstance() → void
Terminate TRTCCloud instance (singleton mode)
sharedInstance() Future<TRTCCloud>
Create TRTCCloud instance (singleton mode)