tempo library

A date and time library that replaces the standard dart:core DateTime and Duration classes.

This is heavily inspired by the java.time package in Java 8+, although there are plenty of differences.


This library can be broken down into four main categories: local dates and times, absolute dates and times, periods and timespans, time zone lookups.

Local dates and times

These are naïve types without time zones that rely on external context to provide meaning. Think of them like a clock or a calendar on a wall. Nobody asks what time zone a wall clock is displaying—it's obvious from the location of the clock and the observer.

Use them when the time zone is obvious from the context, or it would add unnecessary complexity. For example:

  • Personal reminders
  • Alarm clocks
  • Bus schedules
var dt = LocalDateTime(2023, 1, 1, 12, 30);
dt.toString() == '2023-01-01T12:30';
var date = LocalDate(2023, 2, 3);
var time = LocalTime(12, 30, 15);
LocalDateTime.fromParts(date, time) ==
  LocalDateTime(2023, 2, 3, 12, 30, 15);

Absolute dates and times

Unlike the local classes, these are tied to an absolute moment of time in UTC, and to a specific location or time zone. (In the case of Instant, that time zone is UTC itself).

Use them when the time zone is not obvious, when coordinating between different geographic locations, or whenever a local time would be ambiguous. For example:

  • Video chat or conference call schedule
  • Shared calendars
  • Log timestamps (Instant in particular)
var instant = Instant.fromUnix(Timespan(seconds: 946872306));
instant.toString() == '2000-01-03T04:05:06Z';

var odt = OffsetDateTime(ZoneOffset(-1), 2000, 1, 3, 3, 5, 6);
odt.toString() == '2000-01-03T03:05:06-0100';
odt.asInstant == instant;

var zdt = ZonedDateTime.fromInstant(instant, "America/Los_Angeles");
zdt.toString() == '2000-01-02T20:05:06-0800';
zdt.timeZone == 'PST';
zdt.offset == ZoneOffset(-8);
zdt.asInstant == instant;

Periods and Timespans

Period and Timespan represent relative times. In other words, "how long" between two times. They replace Duration in the Dart core library. Timespan always represents an exact amount of time, while the time covered by a Period is more fluid.

Use Timespan when you want to work with an exact number of days, hours, minutes, seconds, or nanoseconds. For example:

var span = Timespan(days: 10, hours: 2);
var dt = LocalDateTime(2023, 1, 1, 10);
dt.plusTimespan(span) == LocalDateTime(2023, 1, 11, 12);

Use Period when you want to work with years, months or days without changing the day or time (more than necessary). For example:

var period = Period(years: 1, months: 3);
var dt = LocalDate(2023, 1, 1);
dt.plusPeriod(period) == LocalDate(2024, 4, 1);

In cases where the starting day would be invalid in the resulting month, the day will be adjusted to the end of the month. For example:

var period = Period(months: 1);
var dt = LocalDate(2023, 1, 31);
dt.plusPeriod(period) == LocalDate(2023, 2, 28);

Time zone lookups

These functions provide different ways of listing the available time zones. They all return a list of ZoneDescription objects, which contains an ID string suitable for passing to ZonedDateTime along with other information that may be helpful in choosing a time zone.


Interface implemented by objects that have a date on the ISO 8601 calendar.
Inteface for classes that provide date and time fields.
Interface implemented by any class that is tied to a specific Instant in time.
Interface implemented by classes that provide the time of day.
Represents a single instant in time as a Timespan since January 1, 1970 UTC.
A date with no timezone.
A date and time with no time zone.
A time of day without a time zone.
A ZoneOffset with an associated name.
A date and time at a fixed offset from UTC.
Represents a period between two dates on a calendar.
A duration of time with nanosecond precision.
A date and time in a specific time zone.
A time zone offset from UTC.


The day of the week. Numeric values start at 1 (Monday).


allTimeZones() List<ZoneDescription>
Returns a table of time zones with information usedful for choosing one.
timeZonesByProximity(double latitude, double longitude, [String? country]) List<ZoneDescription>
Provides a list of time zones sorted by proximity to a given set of geographic coordinates. Optionally filters by country.
timeZonesForCountry(String country) List<ZoneDescription>
Provides a list of time zones relevant to a specific country.