parser library

Handle how Tempcord data read and write between Dart object and bytes.


BodyTemperatureRecordListCsvConverter<N extends BodyTemperatureRecordNodeCsvRow>
A TempcordDataConverter for handle conversion between BodyTemperatureRecordListCsv and a String of 2D List.
ProfileJsonDataConverter<P extends ProfileJson>
A TempcordDataConverter for converting between ProfileJson and stringfied JSON data.
TempcordDataConvertedObject<T extends Object>
A Object repersent this object can be converted between file data format (T) and Dart object.
TempcordDataConverter<T extends Object, TO extends TempcordDataConvertedObject<T>>
Handle TempcordDataConvertedObject to be converted between String and T with related data.
TempcordDataParser<P extends ProfileJson, N extends BodyTemperatureRecordNodeCsvRow>
Convert the data between Uint8List and corresponded TempcordDataConvertedObject (including P and a List of N).


Csv = List<CsvRow>
Define type that how CSV get repersented in Dart object.
CsvAttribute = UnmodifiableListView<String>
A CsvRow that uses for indication each Csv column's metadata.
CsvRow = List<String>
A row that contains data in each index of Csv.
GenericTempcordDataConverter = TempcordDataConverter<Object, TempcordDataConvertedObject<Object>>
Define various TempcordDataConverter for handling conversion on TempcordDataConvertedObject.
Json = Map<String, dynamic>
Defined type that how JSON get repersented in Dart object.