InlineQueryResultBuilder class

A utility class to build Inline Query Results quickly and easily.

Inline Query Result Builder

Use the methods provided by this class to construct various types of Inline Query Results, such as articles, audio files, documents, etc.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


article(String id, String title, InputMessageContent contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content), {InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, String? url, bool? hideUrl, String? description, String? thumbnailUrl, int? thumbnailWidth, int? thumbnailHeight}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an Article result to the final results
audio(String id, String audioUrl, String title, {String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, String? performer, int? audioDuration, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an Audio result to the final results
build() List<InlineQueryResult>
Returns the final list of Inline Query Results
contact(String id, String phoneNumber, String firstName, {String? lastName, String? vcard, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?, String? thumbnailUrl, int? thumbnailWidth, int? thumbnailHeight}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds a contact result to the final results
document(String id, String title, String documentUrl, String mimeType, {String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, String? description, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?, String? thumbnailUrl, int? thumbnailWidth, int? thumbnailHeight}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an document result to the final results
game(String id, String gameShortName, {InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an game result to the final results
gif(String id, String gifUrl, String thumbnailUrl, {int? gifWidth, int? gifHeight, int? gifDuration, String? thumbnailMimeType, String? title, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an GIF result to the final results
location(String id, double latitude, double longitude, String title, {int? horizontalAccuracy, int? livePeriod, int? heading, int? proximityAlertRadius, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?, String? thumbnailUrl, int? thumbnailWidth, int? thumbnailHeight}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an location result to the final results
mpeg4gif(String id, String mpeg4Url, String thumbnailUrl, {int? mpeg4Width, int? mpeg4Height, int? mpeg4Duration, String? thumbnailMimeType, String? title, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an Mpeg4GIF result to the final results
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
photo(String id, String photoUrl, String thumbnailUrl, {int? photoWidth, int? photoHeight, String? title, String? description, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an photo result to the final results
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
venue(String id, double latitude, double longitude, String title, String address, {String? foursquareId, String? foursquareType, String? googlePlaceId, String? googlePlaceType, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?, String? thumbnailUrl, int? thumbnailWidth, int? thumbnailHeight}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an venue result to the final results
video(String id, double latitude, double longitude, String title, String address, {String? foursquareId, String? foursquareType, String? googlePlaceId, String? googlePlaceType, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?, String? thumbnailUrl, int? thumbnailWidth, int? thumbnailHeight}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an video result to the final results
voice(String id, double latitude, double longitude, String title, String address, {String? foursquareId, String? foursquareType, String? googlePlaceId, String? googlePlaceType, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, InputMessageContent? contentGenerator(MessageContentGenerator content)?, String? thumbnailUrl, int? thumbnailWidth, int? thumbnailHeight}) InlineQueryResultBuilder
Adds an voice result to the final results


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.