UpdateType enum
This object represents type of an incoming update.
- message → const UpdateType
Message update
const UpdateType("message")
- editedMessage → const UpdateType
Edited message update
const UpdateType("edited_message")
- channelPost → const UpdateType
Channel post update
const UpdateType("channel_post")
- editedChannelPost → const UpdateType
Edited channel post update
const UpdateType("edited_channel_post")
- inlineQuery → const UpdateType
Inline query update
const UpdateType("inline_query")
- chosenInlineResult → const UpdateType
Chosen inline result update
const UpdateType("chosen_inline_result")
- callbackQuery → const UpdateType
Callback query update
const UpdateType("callback_query")
- shippingQuery → const UpdateType
Shipping query update
const UpdateType("shipping_query")
- preCheckoutQuery → const UpdateType
Pre checkout query update
const UpdateType("pre_checkout_query")
- poll → const UpdateType
Poll update
const UpdateType("poll")
- pollAnswer → const UpdateType
Poll answer update
const UpdateType("poll_answer")
- myChatMember → const UpdateType
My chat member update
const UpdateType("my_chat_member")
- chatMember → const UpdateType
Chat member update
const UpdateType("chat_member")
- chatJoinRequest → const UpdateType
Chat join request update
const UpdateType("chat_join_request")
- messageReaction → const UpdateType
A reaction to a message was changed by a user.
const UpdateType("message_reaction")
- messageReactionCount → const UpdateType
Update when reactions to a message with anonymous reactions were changed.
const UpdateType("message_reaction_count")
- chatBoost → const UpdateType
Update when a chat is boosted.
const UpdateType("chat_boost")
- chatBoostRemoved → const UpdateType
Update when a chat boost is removed.
const UpdateType("chat_boost_removed")
- businessConnection → const UpdateType
Update when a business connection is established.
const UpdateType("business_connection")
- businessMessage → const UpdateType
When a message from a connected business account is recieved
const UpdateType("business_message")
- editedBusinessMessage → const UpdateType
New version of a message from a connected business account
const UpdateType("edited_business_message")
- deletedBusinessMessages → const UpdateType
Messages were deleted from a connected business account
const UpdateType("deleted_business_messages")
- purchasedPaidMedia → const UpdateType
Updates about purchased paid media
const UpdateType("purchased_paid_media")
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- index → int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
- isCallbackQuery → bool
Check if the update is a callback query update
no setter
- isChannelPost → bool
Check if the update is a channel post update
no setter
- isChatJoinRequest → bool
Check if the update is a chat join request update
no setter
- isChatMember → bool
Check if the update is a chat member update
no setter
- isChosenInlineResult → bool
Check if the update is a chosen inline result update
no setter
- isEditedChannelPost → bool
Check if the update is an edited channel post update
no setter
- isEditedMessage → bool
Check if the update is an edited message update
no setter
- isInlineQuery → bool
Check if the update is an inline query update
no setter
- isMessage → bool
Check if the update is a message update
no setter
- isMessageReaction → bool
Check if the update is a message reaction update
no setter
- isMessageReactionCount → bool
Check if the update is a message reaction count update
no setter
- isMyChatMember → bool
Check if the update is a my chat member update
no setter
- isPoll → bool
Check if the update is a poll update
no setter
- isPollAnswer → bool
Check if the update is a poll answer update
no setter
- isPreCheckoutQuery → bool
Check if the update is a pre checkout query update
no setter
- isShippingQuery → bool
Check if the update is a shipping query update
no setter
- name → String
Available on Enum, provided by the EnumName extension
The name of the enum value.no setter - runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- type → String
The value of this enum.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Methods
) → List< UpdateType> - List of update types that related to a Message event.
→ const List<
UpdateType> - A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.