TgUtils class

telegram util




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

autoParseChatId(dynamic data) → dynamic
bot_emoji_reaction_bads() List<String>
bot_emoji_reaction_goods() List<String>
bot_emoji_reactions() List<String>
createOffset({required int totalCount, required int limitCount}) → (List<int>, int)
ccreate offset for tl
entitiesTdlibToTgApi({required Map replyMarkup}) Map?
entitiesTgApiToTdlib({required Map replyMarkup}) Map?
generate_test_dc_code() String
generate_test_dc_phone_number({String dc = "2"}) String
If you wish to emulate an application of a user associated with DC number X, it is sufficient to specify the phone number as 99966XYYYY, where YYYY are random numbers, when registering the user.
getBoolean(dynamic data) bool
inputMessageContentInlineQueryTgToTdlib({required Map inputMessageContent, required TelegramClient tg}) Map?
messageApiToTdlib(dynamic message_id) num
convert message_api to message_api_tdlib example:
messagesApiToTdlib(dynamic message_ids) List<int>
convert messages_api to messages_api_tdlib example:
messagesTdlibToApi(dynamic message_ids) List<int>
convert messages_api to messages_api_tdlib example:
messageTdlibToApi(dynamic message_id) num
convert message_api to message_api_tdlib example:
parse_all_chat_id({required Map parameters}) → dynamic
parse_chat_id({required Map parameters}) → dynamic
parseHtmlBold(String text) String
parseHtmlCode(String text) String
parseHtmlCodeWithLanguage(String text, String language) String
parseHtmlSpoiler(String text) String
parseMarkdownBold(String text) String
parseMarkdownCode(String text) String
parseMarkdownCodeWithLanguage(String text, String language) String
parserBotUserIdFromToken(dynamic token_bot) int
pathTdlib() String
replyMarkupTdlibToTgApi({required Map replyMarkup}) Map?
replyMarkupTgApiToTdlib({required Map replyMarkup}) Map?
sender_id_from_int(int data_id) Map
sender_id_from_msg(Map msg) Map
splitByLength(String text, int length, {bool ignoreEmpty = false}) List<String>
ccreate offset for tl
stringToBase64({required String value}) String
convert string or text ro base64
telegram_bot_api_file({required File file}) TelegramBotApiFileData
telegram_bot_api_file_data({required String name, required Uint8List buffer_data}) TelegramBotApiFileData
telegram_chat_text({required String chat_username, required String text}) String
convert messages_api to messages_api_tdlib example:
telegram_post({required dynamic chat_id, required dynamic message_id}) String
convert messages_api to messages_api_tdlib example:
telegram_regexp_token_bot() RegExp
telegram_share({required String text, required String url}) String
convert messages_api to messages_api_tdlib example:
toSuperGroupId(dynamic chat_id) int
typeFile({required dynamic content, required Directory? directory_temp}) Future<Map?>
auto set parameters input file