TelegramClient class

return original data json

Available extensions


TelegramClient({EventEmitter? eventEmitter, String event_invoke = "tg_client_invoke", String event_update = "tg_client_update", Directory? directory_temp})
return original data json


directory_temp Directory?
getter/setter pair
event_emitter ↔ EventEmitter
event_invoke String
event_update String
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
tdlib Tdlib
telegramBotApi TelegramBotApi


autoSetData(UpdateTelegramClient updateTelegramClient) Future<void>
ensureInitialized({String? pathTdlib, bool is_init_tdlib = true, bool is_init_telegram_bot_api = true, TelegramClientTdlibOption? telegramClientTdlibOption, TelegramClientTelegramBotApiOption? telegramClientTelegramBotApiOption}) → void
return original data json
invoke({required Map parameters, required TelegramClientData telegramClientData, bool is_form = false, String? urlApi, String? clientType, void onUploadProgress(int bytes, int bytess)?, bool isVoid = false, bool? isUseCache, Duration? durationCacheExpire, Duration? delayDuration, Duration? invokeTimeOut, String? extra, bool? isAutoGetChat, bool isInvokeThrowOnError = true, bool isAutoExtendMessage = false, FutureOr<String> onGenerateExtraInvoke(int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?, FutureOr<Map> onGetInvokeData(String, int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?}) FutureOr<Map>
return original data json
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
on({required String event_name, required FutureOr onUpdate(UpdateTelegramClient updateTelegramClient), required FutureOr onError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace)}) → EventEmitterListener
return original data json
request({required Map parameters, required TelegramClientData telegramClientData, bool is_return_as_api = true, bool is_form = false, String? urlApi, String? clientType, void onUploadProgress(int bytes, int bytess)?, bool isVoid = false, bool? isUseCache, Duration? durationCacheExpire, Duration? delayDuration, Duration? invokeTimeOut, String? extra, bool? isAutoGetChat, bool isInvokeThrowOnError = true, bool isAutoExtendMessage = false, FutureOr<String> onGenerateExtraInvoke(int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?, FutureOr<Map> onGetInvokeData(String, int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?}) Future<Map>
return original data json
requestReturnAsApi({required Map result, required bool is_return_as_api}) Map
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.