TdlibBase class abstract


Tdlib tg = Tdlib(
 pathTdl: "",
 clientOption: {
  "api_id": 121315,
  "api_hash": "saskaspasad"
tg.on("update", (UpdateTd update) async {
Implemented types


TdlibBase({String? pathTdl, TelegramClientLibraryTdlibOptionParameter? clientOption, int task_max_count = 10000, int task_min_cooldown = 10, String event_invoke = "invoke", String event_update = "update", EventEmitter? eventEmitter, Duration? delayUpdate, double timeOutUpdate = 1.0, Duration? delayInvoke, Duration? invokeTimeOut, bool isAutoGetChat = false, bool isInvokeThrowOnError = true, FutureOr<String> on_generate_extra_invoke(int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?, FutureOr<Map> on_get_invoke_data(String extra, int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?, FutureOr<void> on_receive_update(dynamic update, TdlibBase libTdJson)?})


client_option TelegramClientLibraryTdlibOptionParameter
clients Map<int, TdlibClient>
delay_invoke Duration
getter/setter pair
delay_update Duration?
getter/setter pair
event_emitter ↔ EventEmitter
event_invoke String
event_update String
first_client_id int
no setter
getFormatLibrary String
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
invoke_time_out Duration
getter/setter pair
is_auto_get_chat bool
getter/setter pair
is_init_isolate bool
getter/setter pair
is_invoke_throw_on_error bool
getter/setter pair
isolate Isolate
getter/setter pair
on_generate_extra_invoke FutureOr<String> Function(int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?
getter/setter pair
on_get_invoke_data FutureOr<Map> Function(String extra, int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?
getter/setter pair
on_receive_update FutureOr<void> Function(dynamic update, TdlibBase libTdJson)?
getter/setter pair
path_tdlib String
getter/setter pair
receivePort ReceivePort
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
task_count int
getter/setter pair
task_max_count int
getter/setter pair
task_min_cooldown int
getter/setter pair
timeOutUpdate double
getter/setter pair


createclient({required int clientId, int clientUserId = 0, TelegramClientLibraryTdlibOptionParameter? clientOption, bool isBot = false, bool isVoid = false, bool isAutoSetOptionIfEmpty = true}) Future<Map>
add this for multithread on flutter apps
ensureInitialized() Future<void>
existClientId(int clientId) bool
ahis for handle update api add this for handle update api
exitClientById(int clientId, {bool isClose = false, String? extra, bool isInvokeThrowOnError = true}) Future<bool>
getAllClientIds() List<int>
get all client id
getClientById(int clientId) TdlibClient?
getClientByUserId(int clientUserId) TdlibClient?
init() Future<void>
invoke(String method, {Map? parameters, required int clientId, Duration? functionTimeOut, bool isVoid = false, Duration? delayDuration, Duration? invokeTimeOut, bool? isUseCache = false, Duration? durationCacheExpire, String? extra, bool? isAutoGetChat, bool? isInvokeThrowOnError, FutureOr<String> onGenerateExtraInvoke(int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?, FutureOr<Map> onGetInvokeData(String extra, int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?}) Future<Map>
call api latest Tdlib-Methods example:
invokeRaw({required Map parameters, required int clientId, required bool isVoid, required Duration delayDuration, required Duration invokeTimeOut, required Duration functionTimeOut, required bool isUseCache, required Duration durationCacheExpire, required String extra, required bool isAutoGetChat, required bool isInvokeThrowOnError, required FutureOr<String> onGenerateExtraInvoke(int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?, required FutureOr<Map> onGetInvokeData(String extra, int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?}) Future<Map>
call api latest Tdlib-Methods example:
invokeSync({required Map parameters, bool isThrowOnError = true}) Map
call api latest Tdlib-Methods example:
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
on(String type_update, FutureOr callback(UpdateTd update), {Map? stateData, void onError(Object data)?}) → EventEmitterListener
receive all update data
platformType() String
create client id for multi client
request(String method, {Map? parameters, required int clientId, bool isVoid = false, Duration? delayDuration, Duration? invokeTimeOut, String? extra, bool? isUseCache, Duration? durationCacheExpire, bool? isAutoGetChat, FutureOr<String> onGenerateExtraInvoke(int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?, FutureOr<Map> onGetInvokeData(String extra, int client_id, TdlibBase libTdJson)?, bool? isInvokeThrowOnError}) Future<Map>
task_decrease() → void
task_increase() → void
td_create_client_id() int
td_execute(Map parameters) Map<String, dynamic>
td_send client_execute
td_send(int clientId, Map parameters) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateClientById(int clientId, {required TdlibClient newTdlibClient, String? extra, bool isInvokeThrowOnError = true}) Future<bool>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

opentdLib({required String pathTdlib}) → void
td_receive_static({double timeout = 1.0, bool isAndroid = false}) Map<String, dynamic>?
fetch update