Mtproto class


Mtproto tg = Mtproto(
 pathTdl: "",
 clientOption: {
  "api_id": 121315,
  "api_hash": "saskaspasad"
tg.on("update", (UpdateMt update) async {


Mtproto({String? pathTdl, Map? clientOption, bool is_cli = false, String event_invoke = "invoke", String event_update = "update", EventEmitter? eventEmitter, Duration? delayUpdate, double timeOutUpdate = 1.0, Duration? delayInvoke, Duration? invokeTimeOut, bool isAutoGetChat = false, FutureOr<String> on_generate_extra_invoke(int client_id, Mtproto Mtproto)?, FutureOr<Map> on_get_invoke_data(String extra, int client_id, Mtproto Mtproto)?, FutureOr<void> on_receive_update(dynamic update, Mtproto Mtproto)?})


client_id int
getter/setter pair
client_option Map
getter/setter pair
clients List<MtprotoClient>
getter/setter pair
delay_invoke Duration
getter/setter pair
delay_update Duration
getter/setter pair
event_emitter ↔ EventEmitter
getter/setter pair
event_invoke String
getter/setter pair
event_update String
getter/setter pair
getFormatLibrary String
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
invoke_time_out Duration
getter/setter pair
is_android bool
getter/setter pair
is_auto_get_chat bool
getter/setter pair
is_cli bool
getter/setter pair
on_generate_extra_invoke FutureOr<String> Function(int client_id, Mtproto Mtproto)?
getter/setter pair
on_get_invoke_data FutureOr<Map> Function(String extra, int client_id, Mtproto Mtproto)?
getter/setter pair
on_receive_update FutureOr<void> Function(dynamic update, Mtproto Mtproto)?
getter/setter pair
path_tdlib String
getter/setter pair
receivePort ReceivePort
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
tdLib → dynamic
no setter
timeOutUpdate double
getter/setter pair


client_create() int
create client id for multi client
client_destroy(int clientId) → void
client_execute(int clientId, [Map? parameters]) Map<String, dynamic>
client_id_addres(int clientId) → dynamic
client_receive(int clientId, [double timeout = 1.0]) Map<String, dynamic>?
fetch update
client_send(int clientId, [Map? parameters]) → void
existClientId(int clientId) bool
ahis for handle update api add this for handle update api
exitClientById(int clientId, {bool isClose = false, String? extra}) Future<bool>
getAllClientIds() List<int>
get all client id
getClientById(int clientId) MtprotoClient?
getClientByUserId(int clientUserId) MtprotoClient?
init() Future<void>
initIsolate({required int clientId, int clientUserId = 0, Map? clientOption}) Future<void>
add this for multithread on flutter apps
initIsolateNewClient({required int clientId, required Map clientOption, int clientUserId = 0}) Future<void>
add this for multithread new client on flutter apps
invoke(String method, {Map<String, dynamic>? parameters, required int clientId, bool isVoid = false, Duration? delayDuration, Duration? invokeTimeOut, String? extra, bool? iSAutoGetChat, FutureOr<String> onGenerateExtraInvoke(int client_id, Mtproto Mtproto)?, FutureOr<Map> onGetInvokeData(String extra, int client_id, Mtproto Mtproto)?, bool isThrowOnError = true}) Future<Map>
call api latest Tdlib-Methods example:
invokeSync(String method, {Map<String, dynamic>? parameters, required int clientId, bool isThrowOnError = true}) Map
call api latest Tdlib-Methods example:
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
on(String type_update, FutureOr callback(UpdateMt update), {void onError(Object data)?}) → EventEmitterListener
receive all update data
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.