replyGame method

Future<Message> replyGame(
  1. String gameShortName, {
  2. bool withQuote = false,
  3. bool? disableNotification,
  4. bool? protectContent,
  5. bool? allowSendingWithoutReply,
  6. InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup,

Reply to the recieved message with a game

A wrapper around TeleDart.sendGame. On success, returns the sent Message.

Apart from a gameShortName, it can also take some options that control the message appearance and behavior.

Check Telegram API documentation for more information about those options.


Future<Message> replyGame(
  String gameShortName, {
  bool withQuote = false,
  bool? disableNotification,
  bool? protectContent,
  bool? allowSendingWithoutReply,
  InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup,
}) =>
    _teledart.sendGame(, gameShortName,
        messageThreadId: messageThreadId,
        disableNotification: disableNotification,
        protectContent: protectContent,
        replyToMessageId: withQuote ? messageId : null,
        allowSendingWithoutReply: allowSendingWithoutReply,
        replyMarkup: replyMarkup);