Team class


  • @freezed


Team({@JsonKey(name: 'uid') required String uid, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'is_archive') bool? isArchive, @JsonKey(name: 'gentime') required int gentime, @JsonKey(name: 'name') required String name, @JsonKey(name: 'default_task_deadline') String? defaultTaskDeadline, @JsonKey(name: 'max_message_update_age') required int maxMessageUpdateAge, @JsonKey(name: 'icons') required IconData icons, @JsonKey(name: 'last_active') required bool lastActive, @JsonKey(name: 'changeable_statuses') List<String>? changeableStatuses, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'bad_profile') bool? badProfile, @JsonKey(name: 'need_confirmation') required bool needConfirmation, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'use_patronymic') bool? usePatronymic, @JsonKey(name: 'user_fields') required List<String> userFields, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'display_family_name_first') bool? displayFamilyNameFirst, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'use_task_importance') bool? useTaskImportance, @JsonKey(name: 'task_importance_min') int? taskImportanceMin, @JsonKey(name: 'task_importance_max') int? taskImportanceMax, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'task_importance_rev') bool? taskImportanceRev, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'use_task_urgency') bool? useTaskUrgency, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'use_task_complexity') bool? useTaskComplexity, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'use_task_spent_time') bool? useTaskSpentTime, @JsonKey(name: 'uploads_size') int? uploadsSize, @JsonKey(name: 'uploads_size_limit') int? uploadsSizeLimit, @JsonKey(name: 'unread') TeamUnread? unreads, @JsonKey(name: 'me') required Contact me, @JsonKey(name: 'contacts') List<Contact>? contacts, @JsonKey(name: 'single_group') String? singleGroup, @JsonKey(name: 'theme') Theme? theme, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'hide_archived_users') bool? hideArchivedUsers, @Default(false) @JsonKey(name: 'pinned') bool? pinned, @JsonKey(name: 'available_tariffs') List<String>? availableTariffs, @JsonKey(name: 'subscription') Subscription? subscription})
Team.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


availableTariffs List<String>?
Team's available tariff by includig archive ones.
no setterinherited
badProfile bool?
My profile in this team isn't full.
no setterinherited
changeableStatuses List<String>?
What status I can set to other team members.
no setterinherited
contacts List<Contact>?
Team contacts. Used only for team creation.
no setterinherited
copyWith → $TeamCopyWith<Team>
no setterinherited
defaultTaskDeadline String?
Default task deadline.
no setterinherited
displayFamilyNameFirst bool?
Family name should be first in display name.
no setterinherited
gentime int
Object version.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hideArchivedUsers bool?
Don't show archived users by default.
no setterinherited
icons IconData
Team icons.
no setterinherited
isArchive bool?
Team deleted.
no setterinherited
lastActive bool
User last activity was in this team.
no setterinherited
maxMessageUpdateAge int
Max message update/deletion age, in seconds.
no setterinherited
me Contact
My profile in this team.
no setterinherited
name String
Team name.
no setterinherited
needConfirmation bool
Need confirmation after invite to this team.
no setterinherited
pinned bool?
Team pinned.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
singleGroup String?
For single group teams, jid of chat.
no setterinherited
subscription Subscription?
Сurrent team subscription.
no setterinherited
taskImportanceMax int?
Maximum value of task importance. Default is 5.
no setterinherited
taskImportanceMin int?
Minimal value of task importance. Default is 1.
no setterinherited
taskImportanceRev bool?
Bigger number = bigger importance. Default: lower number = bigger importance.
no setterinherited
theme Theme?
Color theme, if any.
no setterinherited
uid String
Team id.
no setterinherited
unreads TeamUnread?
Unread message counters.
no setterinherited
uploadsSize int?
Total uploads size, bytes.
no setterinherited
uploadsSizeLimit int?
Maximum uploads size, bytes, if any.
no setterinherited
usePatronymic bool?
Patronymic in usernames for this team.
no setterinherited
userFields List<String>
Username fields ordering. Possible values: "family_name", "given_name", "patronymic".
no setterinherited
useTaskComplexity bool?
Use complexity field in task.
no setterinherited
useTaskImportance bool?
Use importance field in task.
no setterinherited
useTaskSpentTime bool?
Use spent time field in task.
no setterinherited
useTaskUrgency bool?
Use urgency field in task.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.