needPhoneNumberPrivacyException True, if the current user needs to explicitly allow to share their phone number with the user when the method addContact is used
personalPhoto User profile photo set by the current user for the contact; may be null. If null and user.profile_photo is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown.. If non-null, then it is the same photo as in user.profile_photo and This photo isn't returned in the list of user photos
photo User profile photo; may be null. If null and user.profile_photo is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown.. If non-null and personal_photo is null, then it is the same photo as in user.profile_photo and
publicPhoto User profile photo visible if the main photo is hidden by privacy settings; may be null. If null and user.profile_photo is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown.. If non-null and both photo and personal_photo are null, then it is the same photo as in user.profile_photo and This photo isn't returned in the list of user photos