tbloc library


BidirectionalBloc<E extends BlocEvent, S extends BlocState>
Takes a Stream of BlocEvents as input and transforms them into a Stream of BlocStates as output.
BidirectionalHydratedBloc<E extends BlocEvent, S extends HydratedBlocState>
Takes a Stream of BlocEvents as input and transforms them into a Stream of BlocStates as output.
Bloc<S extends BlocState>
Abstract Bloc which has no notion of events.
BlocBuilderWidget<S extends BlocState>
Handles building a widget when BloC's state changes.
BlocBuilderWidget2<S1 extends BlocState, S2 extends BlocState>
Handles building a widget when two BloC states change.
BlocBuilderWidget2State<S1 extends BlocState, S2 extends BlocState>
BlocBuilderWidget3<S1 extends BlocState, S2 extends BlocState, S3 extends BlocState>
Handles building a widget when three BloC states change.
BlocBuilderWidget3State<S1 extends BlocState, S2 extends BlocState, S3 extends BlocState>
BlocBuilderWidgetState<S extends BlocState>
BlocError is a class that contains the error information
BlocEvent<T, P>
Base class for all events of a TBloc.
BlocProvider<T extends Bloc<S>, S extends BlocState>
Widget used as a dependency injection mechanism in order to provide to multiple widgets a single instance of a BloC.
Base class for all states of a TBloc.
BlocStore<S extends BlocState>
A store that persists and retrieves values from BlocStates.
Base class for all states of a TBloc that can be hydrated.
Merges multiple BlocProvider widgets into one widget tree.
UnidirectionalBloc<S extends BlocState>
A UnidirectionalBloc is a subset of Bloc which has no notion of events and relies on methods to emit new states.
UnidirectionalHydratedBloc<S extends HydratedBlocState>
A UnidirectionalHydratedBloc is a subset of Bloc which has no notion of events and relies on methods to emit new states.


A mixin that provides to the BlocBuilder the ability to wait for data before building.
HydratedBlocMixin<S extends HydratedBlocState>
A mixin that provides the ability to hydrate a Bloc.


BlocBuilder<S extends BlocState> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, S state)
A function that builds a widget based on the current BlocState.
BlocBuilder2<S1 extends BlocState, S2 extends BlocState> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, S1 state, S2 state2)
A function that builds a widget based on two BlocStates.
BlocBuilder3<S1 extends BlocState, S2 extends BlocState, S3 extends BlocState> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, S1 state, S2 state2, S3 state3)
A function that builds a widget based on three BlocStates.
BlocDebounceCallback<E extends BlocEvent> = void Function([Map? extras])
BlocEventCallback<E extends BlocEvent> = void Function(E event)
BlocStateBuilder<S extends BlocState> = S Function()
A function that builds a BlocState based on the type of the BlocState.
BlocThrottleCallback<E extends BlocEvent> = void Function([Map extras])