TautulliCommandHandler_System class

Facilitates, encapsulates, and manages individual calls for any system calls within Tautulli.

TautulliCommandHandler_System internally handles routing the HTTP client to the API calls.


TautulliCommandHandler_System(Dio _client)
Create a system command handler using an initialized Dio client.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


backupConfig() Future<void>
Handler for backup_config.
backupDB() Future<void>
Handler for backup_db.
deleteCache() Future<void>
Handler for delete_cache.
deleteHostedImages({int? ratingKey, TautulliImageHostService? service, bool? deleteAll}) Future<void>
Handler for delete_hosted_images.
deleteImageCache() Future<void>
Handler for delete_image_cache.
deleteLoginLog() Future<void>
Handler for delete_login_log.
deleteLookupInfo({int? ratingKey, TautulliAPILookupService? service, bool? deleteAll}) Future<void>
Handler for delete_lookup_info.
deleteMediaInfoCache({required int sectionId}) Future<void>
Handler for delete_media_info_cache.
deleteNewsletterLog() Future<void>
Handler for delete_newsletter_log.
deleteNotificationLog() Future<void>
Handler for delete_notification_log.
getPMSToken({required String username, required String password}) Future<String?>
Handler for get_pms_token.
getPMSUpdate() Future<TautulliPMSUpdate>
Handler for get_pms_update.
getSettings({String? key}) Future<Map<String, dynamic>?>
Handler for get_settings.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
restart() Future<void>
Handler for restart.
status() Future<String?>
Handler for status.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update() Future<void>
Handler for update.
updateCheck() Future<TautulliUpdateCheck>
Handler for update_check.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.