duration method

Future<Duration?> duration(
  1. String uri

Get the duration of a sound file.

This verb is used to get an estimation of the duration of a sound file. Be aware that it is just an estimation, based on the Codec used and the sample rate.


Future<Duration?> duration(String uri) async {
  if (!isFFmpegAvailable()) return null;
  var info = await FlutterFFprobe().getMediaInformation(uri);
  //if (info == null) {
  //return null;
  var format = info.getAllProperties()['format'];
  if (format == null) return null;
  var duration = format['duration'];
  if (duration == null) return null;
  var d = (double.parse(duration) * 1000.0).round();
  return (duration == null) ? null : Duration(milliseconds: d);