waveToPCM method

Future<void> waveToPCM({
  1. required String inputFile,
  2. required String outputFile,
  3. required TauCodec codec,

Convert a WAVE file to a Raw PCM file.

Remove the WAVE header in front of the Wave file

This verb is usefull to convert a Wave file to a Raw PCM file.

Note that this verb is not asynchronous and does not return a Future.


Future<void> waveToPCM({
  required String inputFile,
  required String outputFile,
  required TauCodec codec,
}) async {
  var filIn = File(inputFile);
  var filOut = File(outputFile);
  var sink = filOut.openWrite();
  await filIn.open();
  var buffer = filIn.readAsBytesSync();
  await sink.close();