pdfviewer library
Syncfusion Flutter PDF viewer lets you display the PDF document seamlessly and efficiently. It is built in the way that a large PDF document can be opened in minimal time and all their pages can be accessed spontaneously.
To use, import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer/pdfviewer.dart'.
See also:
- Annotation
- Represents a PDF annotation.
- HighlightAnnotation
- Represents the highlight annotation on the text contents in the page.
- PdfAnnotationAppearanceSetting
- Represents the settings that allows to customize the default appearance of annotations.
- PdfAnnotationSelectorSettings
- Represents the settings that allows to customize the default appearance of annotation selector.
- PdfAnnotationSettings
- Represents the settings that allows to customize the default appearance and behavior of annotations.
- PdfBaseAnnotationSettings
- Base class for the AnnotationSettings and AnnotationAppearanceSettings.
- PdfCheckboxFormField
- Represents the checkbox form field.
- PdfComboBoxFormField
- Represents the combo box form field.
- PdfDocumentLoadedDetails
- Holds the details for the SfPdfViewer.onDocumentLoaded callback, such as document.
- PdfDocumentLoadFailedDetails
- Holds the details for the SfPdfViewer.onDocumentLoadFailed callback, such as error and description.
- PdfFormField
- Represents the form field.
- PdfFormFieldFocusChangeDetails
- Holds the details for the SfPdfViewer.onFormFieldFocusChange callback, such as formField and hasFocus.
- PdfFormFieldValueChangedDetails
- Holds the details for the SfPdfViewer.onFormFieldValueChanged callback, such as formField, oldValue and newValue.
- PdfGestureDetails
- Holds the details for the SfPdfViewer.onTap callback, such as pageNumber, position and pagePosition.
- PdfHyperlinkClickedDetails
- Holds the details for the SfPdfViewer.onHyperlinkClicked callback, such as uri.
- PdfListBoxFormField
- Represents the list box form field.
- PdfPageChangedDetails
- Holds the details for the SfPdfViewer.onPageChanged callback, such as newPageNumber, oldPageNumber, isFirstPage and isLastPage.
- PdfRadioFormField
- Represents the radio button form field.
- PdfSignatureFormField
- Represents the signature form field.
- PdfStickyNoteAnnotationSettings
- Represents the settings that allows to customize the default appearance of sticky note annotations.
- PdfTextFormField
- Represents the text form field.
- PdfTextLine
- The class PdfTextLine represents the selected text line which contains the text and the bounding rectangular size relative to the page dimension and page number in which text selection is happened.
- PdfTextMarkupAnnotationSettings
- Represents the settings that allows to customize the default appearance of text markup annotations.
- PdfTextSearchResult
- PdfTextSearchResult holds the details of TextSearch
- PdfTextSelectionChangedDetails
- Holds the details for the SfPdfViewer.onTextSelectionChanged callback, such as globalSelectedRegion and selectedText.
- PdfViewerController
- An object that is used to control the navigation and zooming operations in the SfPdfViewer.
- PdfZoomDetails
- Holds the details for the SfPdfViewer.onZoomLevelChanged callback, such as newZoomLevel and oldZoomLevel.
- SfPdfViewer
- A widget to view PDF documents.
- SfPdfViewerState
- State for the SfPdfViewer widget.
- SquigglyAnnotation
- Represents the squiggly annotation on the text contents in the page.
- StickyNoteAnnotation
- Represents the sticky note annotation in the page.
- StrikethroughAnnotation
- Represents the strikethrough annotation on the text contents in the page.
- UnderlineAnnotation
- Represents the underline annotation on the text contents in the page.
- PdfAnnotationMode
- Enumerates the values that represent the type of annotation that should be drawn using UI interaction on the PDF pages.
- PdfFlattenOption
- Represents different flattening option.
- PdfInteractionMode
- Represents different pdf interaction modes.
- PdfPageLayoutMode
- Represents different pdf layout mode.
- PdfScrollDirection
- Represents different scrolling direction.
- PdfStickyNoteIcon
- Enumerates the values that represents different types of icons for a sticky note annotation.
- PdfAnnotationCallback = void Function(Annotation annotation)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onAnnotationAdded, SfPdfViewer.onAnnotationSelected, SfPdfViewer.onAnnotationDeselected, SfPdfViewer.onAnnotationEdited and SfPdfViewer.onAnnotationRemoved callbacks.
- PdfDocumentLoadedCallback = void Function(PdfDocumentLoadedDetails details)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onDocumentLoaded callback.
- PdfDocumentLoadFailedCallback = void Function(PdfDocumentLoadFailedDetails details)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onDocumentLoadFailed callback.
- PdfFormFieldFocusChangeCallback = void Function(PdfFormFieldFocusChangeDetails details)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onFormFieldFocusChange callback.
- PdfFormFieldValueChangedCallback = void Function(PdfFormFieldValueChangedDetails details)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onFormFieldValueChanged callback.
- PdfGestureTapCallback = void Function(PdfGestureDetails details)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onTap callback.
- PdfHyperlinkClickedCallback = void Function(PdfHyperlinkClickedDetails details)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onHyperlinkClicked callback.
- PdfPageChangedCallback = void Function(PdfPageChangedDetails details)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onPageChanged callback.
- PdfTextSelectionChangedCallback = void Function(PdfTextSelectionChangedDetails details)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onTextSelectionChanged callback.
- PdfZoomLevelChangedCallback = void Function(PdfZoomDetails details)
- Signature for SfPdfViewer.onZoomLevelChanged callback.