pdf library
The Syncfusion Flutter PDF is a library written natively in Dart for creating, reading, editing, and securing PDF files in Android, iOS, and web platforms.
- BeginItemLayoutArgs
- Represents begin layout event arguments.
- BeginPageLayoutArgs
- Provides data for event before lay outing the new page.
- EndItemLayoutArgs
- Represents end layout event arguments.
- EndPageLayoutArgs
- Provides data for event once lay outing completed on the new page.
- EndTextPageLayoutArgs
- Represents the base class for classes that contain event data, and provides a value to use for events, once completed the text lay outing on the page.
- GridCellLayoutArgs
- Represents the abstract class of the GridCellLayoutArgs.
- IPdfExternalSigner
- Interface for external signing to a PDF document
- ListBeginPageLayoutArgs
- Represents begin page layout event arguments.
- ListEndPageLayoutArgs
- Represents begin page layout event arguments.
- MatchedItem
- Details of the searched text
- PageAddedArgs
- Provides data for PageAddedCallback event.
- PdfAction
- Represents base class for all action types.
- PdfActionAnnotation
- Represents the annotation with associated action.
- PdfActionLinkAnnotation
- Represents base class for link annotations with associated action.
- PdfAnnotation
- Represents the base class for annotation objects.
- PdfAnnotationActions
- Represents additional actions of the annotations.
- PdfAnnotationBorder
- Represents the appearance of an annotation's border. PdfAnnotationBorder class is used to create the annotation border
- PdfAnnotationCollection
- Represents the collection of PdfAnnotation objects.
- PdfAppearance
- Represents the appearance of an annotation.
- PdfAttachment
- Represents the attachments of the PDF document.
- PdfAttachmentCollection
- Represents a collection of the attachment objects.
- PdfAutomaticField
- Represents a fields which is calculated before the document saves.
- PdfBezierCurve
- Represents Bezier curve shape.
- PdfBitmap
- The PdfBitmap contains methods and properties to handle the Bitmap images
- PdfBookmark
- Each instance of this class represents an bookmark node in the bookmark tree.
- PdfBookmarkBase
- This class plays two roles: it's a base class for all bookmarks and it's a root of a bookmarks tree.
- PdfBorders
- The class used represents the cell border of the PDF grid
- PdfBrush
- Provides objects used to fill the interiors of graphical shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths.
- PdfBrushes
- Brushes for all the standard colors.
- PdfButtonField
- Represents button field in the PDF form.
- PdfCancelArgs
- Provides the data for a cancelable event.
- PdfCertificate
- Represents the Certificate object.
- PdfCheckBoxField
- Represents check box field in the PDF form.
- PdfCheckBoxItem
- Represents loaded check box item.
- PdfCheckFieldBase
- Represents base class for field which can be checked and unchecked states.
- PdfCjkStandardFont
- Represents the standard CJK fonts.
- PdfColor
- Implements structures and routines working with color.
- PdfComboBoxField
- Represents combo box field in the PDF Form.
- PdfCompositeField
- Represents class which can concatenate multiple automatic fields into single string.
- PdfDateTimeField
- Represents date and time automated field.
- PdfDestination
- Represents an anchor in the document where bookmarks or annotations can direct when clicked.
- PdfDestinationPageNumberField
- Represents class which displays destination page's number.
- PdfDocument
- Represents a PDF document and can be used to create a new PDF document from the scratch.
- PdfDocumentInformation
- A class containing the information about the document.
- PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation
- Represents an annotation object with holds link on another location within a document.
- PdfDocumentTemplate
- Encapsulates a page template for all the pages in the document.
- PdfEllipseAnnotation
- Represents a PDF ellipse annotation
- PdfField
- Represents field of the PDF document's interactive form.
- PdfFieldActions
- Represents actions to be performed as response to field events.
- PdfFieldItem
- Represents base class for field's group items.
- PdfFieldItemCollection
- Represents collection field items.
- PdfFileStructure
- This class represents a set of the properties that define the internal structure of PDF file.
- PdfFont
- Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes.
- PdfForm
- Represents interactive form of the PDF document.
- PdfFormAction
- Represents the action on form fields.
- PdfFormFieldCollection
- Represents a collection of form fields.
- PdfGraphics
- Represents a graphics context of the objects.
- PdfGraphicsState
Represents the state of a Graphics object.
This object is returned by a call to the Save methods. - PdfGrid
- Represents a flexible grid that consists of columns and rows.
- PdfGridBeginCellLayoutArgs
- Represents arguments of StartCellLayout Event.
- PdfGridBeginPageLayoutArgs
- Arguments of BeginPageLayoutEvent.
- PdfGridBuiltInStyleSettings
- Represents the grid built-in style settings.
- PdfGridCell
- Represents the schema of a cell in a PdfGrid.
- PdfGridCellCollection
- Provides access to an ordered, strongly typed collection of PdfGridCell objects.
- PdfGridCellStyle
- Provides customization of the appearance for the
- PdfGridColumn
- Represents the schema of a column in a PdfGrid.
- PdfGridColumnCollection
- Provides access to an ordered, strongly typed collection of PdfGridColumn objects.
- PdfGridEndCellLayoutArgs
- Represents arguments of EndCellLayout Event.
- PdfGridEndPageLayoutArgs
- Arguments of EndPageLayoutEvent.
- PdfGridHeaderCollection
- Provides customization of the settings for the header.
- PdfGridRow
- Provides customization of the settings for the particular row.
- PdfGridRowCollection
- Provides access to an ordered, strongly typed collection of PdfGridRow objects.
- PdfGridRowStyle
- Provides customization of the appearance for the PdfGridRow.
- PdfGridStyle
- Provides customization of the appearance for the PdfGrid.
- PdfGridStyleBase
- Base class for the grid style
- PdfImage
- Represents the base class for images and provides functionality for the PdfBitmap class
- PdfJavaScriptAction
- Represents an java script action in PDF document.
- PdfLayer
- The PdfLayer used to create layers in PDF document.
- PdfLayerCollection
- The class provides methods and properties to handle the collections of PdfLayer
- PdfLayoutElement
- Represents the base class for all elements that can be layout on the pages.
- PdfLayoutFormat
- Represents a layouting format
- PdfLayoutResult
- Represents the layouting result format.
- PdfLineAnnotation
- Represents a line annotation.
- PdfLinkAnnotation
- Represents the base class for the link annotations.
- PdfList
- Represents base class for lists.
- PdfListBoxField
- Represents list box field of the PDF form.
- PdfListField
- Represents base class for form's list fields.
- PdfListFieldItem
- Represents an item of the list fields.
- PdfListFieldItemCollection
- Represents list field item collection.
- PdfListItem
- Represents list item of the list.
- PdfListItemCollection
- Represents collection of list items.
- PdfMargins
- A class representing PDF page margins.
- PdfMarker
- Represents base class for markers.
- PdfNamedDestination
- Represents an named destination which goes to a destination in the current document.
- PdfNamedDestinationCollection
- Implements a collection of named destinations in the document.
- PdfObjectCollection
- The class used to handle the collection of PDF objects.
- PdfOrderedList
- Represents the ordered list.
- PdfOrderedMarker
- Represents marker for ordered list.
- PdfPaddings
- The class used represents the cell padding of the PDF grid
- PdfPage
- Provides methods and properties to create PDF pages and its elements, PdfPage.
- PdfPageCollection
- Represents the collection of pages in a PdfDocument .
- PdfPageCountField
- Represents total PDF document page count automatic field. Represents an automatic field to display total number of pages in section(if set isSectionPageCount as true).
- PdfPageLayer
- The PdfPageLayer used to create layers in PDF document. Layers refers to sections of content in a PDF document that can be selectively viewed or hidden by document authors or consumers.
- PdfPageLayerCollection
- The class provides methods and properties to handle the collections of PdfPageLayer.
- PdfPageNumberField
- Represents PDF document page number field. Represents an automatic field to display page number within a section.
- PdfPageSettings
- The class provides various setting related with PDF pages.
- PdfPageSize
- Represents information about various predefined page sizes.
- PdfPageTemplateElement
- Describes a page template object that can be used as header/footer, watermark or stamp.
- PdfPasswordArgs
- Arguments of Pdf Password.
- PdfPath
- Implements graphics path, which is a sequence of primitive graphics elements.
- PdfPen
- A class defining settings for drawing operations, that determines the color, width, and style of the drawing elements.
- PdfPens
- The collection of default pens.
- PdfPermissions
- Represents the permissions of the PDF document.
- PdfPolygonAnnotation
- Represents a Polygon annotation.
- PdfRadioButtonItemCollection
- Represents an item of a radio button list.
- PdfRadioButtonListField
- Represents radio button field in the PDF form.
- PdfRadioButtonListItem
- Represents an item of a radio button list.
- PdfRectangleAnnotation
- Represents a PDF rectangle annotation
- PdfResetAction
- Represents PDF form's reset action,this action allows a user to reset the form fields to their default values.
- PdfSection
- Represents a section entity. A section is a set of the pages with similar page settings.
- PdfSectionCollection
- Represents the collection of the PdfSection.
- PdfSectionTemplate
- Represents a page template for all the pages in the section.
- PdfSecurity
- Represents the security settings of the PDF document.
- PdfShapeElement
- Base class for the main shapes.
- PdfSignature
- Represents a digital signature used for signing a PDF document.
- PdfSignatureField
- Represents signature field in the PDF Form.
- PdfSolidBrush
- Represents a brush that fills any object with a solid color.
- PdfStampCollection
- A collection of stamps that are applied to the page templates.
- PdfStandardFont
- Represents one of the 14 standard PDF fonts. It's used to create a standard PDF font to draw the text in to the PDF
- PdfStringFormat
- Represents the text layout information on PDF
- PdfSubmitAction
- Represents PDF form's submit action.submit action allows submission of data that is entered in the PDF form
- PdfTemplate
- Represents PDF Template object.
- PdfTextBoxField
- Represents text box field in the PDF form.
- PdfTextBoxItem
- Represents an item in a text box field collection.
- PdfTextElement
- Represents the text area with the ability to span several pages and inherited from the PdfLayoutElement class
- PdfTextExtractor
- Represents a text extractor from an existing PDF document
- PdfTextLayoutResult
- Represents the text lay outing result settings.
- PdfTextWebLink
- Represents the class for text web link annotation.
- PdfTrueTypeFont
- Represents TrueType font.
- PdfUnorderedList
- Represents the ordered list.
- PdfUnorderedMarker
- Represents bullet for the list.
- PdfUriAction
- Represents an action which resolves unique resource identifier.
- PdfUriAnnotation
- Represents the Uri annotation.
- SignerResult
- External signing result
- TextGlyph
- Gets the details of character in the word.
- TextLine
- Details of the text present in a line
- TextWord
- Details of a word present in the line.
- CryptographicStandard
- Specifies the cryptographic standard.
- DataFormat
- Specifies the format of Export or Import data.
- DigestAlgorithm
- Specifies the digestion algorithm.
- HttpMethod
- Specifies Http request method.
- PdfAlignmentStyle
- Specifies how the page template is aligned relative to the template area.
- PdfAttachmentRelationship
- Specifies the file relationship of attachment.
- PdfBlendMode
- Specifies the blend mode for transparency.
- PdfBorderOverlapStyle
- Specifies the values of the border overlap style.
- PdfBorderStyle
- Specifies the available styles for a field border.
- PdfCertificationFlags
- Specifies the available permissions on certificated document.
- PdfCheckBoxStyle
- Specifies the style for a check box field.
- PdfCjkFontFamily
- Specifies the type of CJK font.
- PdfColorSpace
- Defines set of color spaces.
- PdfCompressionLevel
- Compression level.
- PdfConformanceLevel
- Specifies the PDF document's conformance-level.
- PdfCrossReferenceType
- Specifies the type of the PDF cross-reference.
- PdfDashStyle
- Possible dash styles of the pen.
- PdfDestinationMode
- Enumeration that represents fit mode.
- PdfDockStyle
- Specifies the docking style of the page template.
- PdfEncryptionAlgorithm
- Specifies the type of encryption algorithm.
- PdfEncryptionOptions
- Specifies the encryption option.
- PdfFilePathType
- Specifies the file path type.
- PdfFillMode
- Specifies how the shapes are filled.
- PdfFontFamily
- Indicates type of standard PDF fonts.
- PdfFontStyle
- Specifies style information applied to text.
- PdfFormFieldsTabOrder
- Specifies tab order types for form fields
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle
- Specifies PdfGrid built-in table styles.
- PdfGridImagePosition
- Specifies the alignment type.
- PdfHighlightMode
- Specifies the highlight mode for a field.
- PdfHorizontalOverflowType
- Describe the possible values of PdfHorizontalOverflowType. If a grid is drawn which doesn't fits within a single page, it will be splited to several pages.
- PdfLayoutBreakType
- Specifies how the element should be contained on the page.
- PdfLayoutType
- Specifies type of paginating.
- PdfLineCap
- Specifies the line cap style to be used at the ends of the lines.
- PdfLineCaptionType
- Gets or sets the caption type of the annotation.
- PdfLineEndingStyle
- Specifies the line ending style to be used in the Line annotation.
- PdfLineIntent
- Gets or sets the line intent of the annotation.
- PdfLineJoin
- Specifies the corner style of the shapes.
- PdfListMarkerAlignment
- Represents marker alignment.
- PdfNumberStyle
- Specifies numbering style of page labels.
- PdfPageOrientation
- Enumerator that represents the PDF page orientations.
- PdfPageRotateAngle
- The number of degrees by which the page should be rotated clockwise when displayed or printed.
- PdfPermissionsFlags
- Specifies the type of PDF permissions.
- PdfSubmitFormFlags
- Specifies the available data formats for submitting the form data.
- PdfSubSuperscript
- Specifies the type of SubSuperscript.
- PdfTextAlignment
- Specifies the type of horizontal text alignment.
- PdfTextDirection
- Represents the text rendering direction.
- PdfTextStyle
- Allows to choose outline text style.
- PdfUnorderedMarkerStyle
- Specifies the marker style.
- PdfVersion
- Specifies the available PDF versions to save the PDF document.
- PdfVerticalAlignment
- Specifies the type of Vertical alignment.
- PdfWordWrapType
- Specifies the types of text wrapping.
- SubmitDataFormat
- Specifies the enumeration of submit data formats.
- TextSearchOption
- Defines the constants that specify the option for text search.
- BeginItemLayoutCallback = void Function(Object sender, BeginItemLayoutArgs args)
- typedef for handling BeginItemLayoutEvent.
- BeginPageLayoutCallback = void Function(Object sender, BeginPageLayoutArgs args)
- Represents the method that will handle an event that before lay outing on the page.
- EndItemLayoutCallback = void Function(Object sender, EndItemLayoutArgs args)
- typedef for handling EndItemLayoutEvent.
- EndPageLayoutCallback = void Function(Object sender, EndPageLayoutArgs args)
- Represents the method that will handle an event, once completed the lay outing on the page.
- PageAddedCallback = void Function(Object sender, PageAddedArgs args)
- Represents the method that executes on a PdfDocument when a new page is created.
- PdfGridBeginCellLayoutCallback = void Function(Object sender, PdfGridBeginCellLayoutArgs args)
- Delegate for handling StartCellLayoutEvent.
- PdfGridEndCellLayoutCallback = void Function(Object sender, PdfGridEndCellLayoutArgs args)
- Delegate for handling EndCellLayoutEvent.
- PdfPasswordCallback = void Function(PdfDocument sender, PdfPasswordArgs args)
- Delegate for handling the PDF password