height property
Gets the height of the PdfGrid cell.
//Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a PdfGrid
PdfGrid grid = PdfGrid();
//Add columns to grid
grid.columns.add(count: 3);
//Add headers to grid
PdfGridRow header = grid.headers.add(1)[0];
header.cells[0].value = 'Employee ID';
header.cells[1].value = 'Employee Name';
header.cells[2].value = 'Salary';
//Add the styles to specific cell
header.cells[0].style.stringFormat = PdfStringFormat(
alignment: PdfTextAlignment.center,
lineAlignment: PdfVerticalAlignment.bottom,
wordSpacing: 10);
//Add rows to grid
PdfGridRow row1 = grid.rows.add();
row1.cells[0].value = 'E01';
row1.cells[1].value = 'Clay';
row1.cells[2].value = '\$10000';
//Sets the rowSpan
row1.cells[1].rowSpan = 1;
//Sets the colSpan
row1.cells[1].columnSpan = 2;
//Apply the cell style to specific row cells
row1.cells[0].style = PdfGridCellStyle(
backgroundBrush: PdfBrushes.lightYellow,
cellPadding: PdfPaddings(left: 2, right: 3, top: 4, bottom: 5),
font: PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.timesRoman, 17),
textBrush: PdfBrushes.white,
textPen: PdfPens.orange,
PdfGridRow row2 = grid.rows.add();
row2.cells[0].value = 'E02';
row2.cells[1].value = 'Simon';
row2.cells[2].value = '\$12,000';
//Gets the width of the PDF grid cell
double width = row2.cells[2].width;
//Gets the height of the PDF grid cell
double height = row2.cells[2].height;
//Draw the grid in PDF document page
page: document.pages.add(), bounds: Rect.zero);
//Save the document.
List<int> bytes = await document.save();
//Dispose the document.
double get height {
if (_height == -1) {
_height = _helper.measureHeight();
return _height;