focalLatLng property

MapLatLng? get focalLatLng

The focalLatLng is the focal point of the map layer based on which zooming happens.

The default zoomLevel value is 1 which will show the whole map in the viewport for MapShapeLayer and the available bounds for the MapTileLayer based on the focalLatLng (Please check the documentation of MapTileLayer to know more details about how zoomLevel works in it).


MapLatLng? get focalLatLng => _focalLatLng;
set focalLatLng (MapLatLng? value)


set focalLatLng(MapLatLng? value) {
  if (_focalLatLng == value) {

  _focalLatLng = value;
  if (_controller != null && _controller!.layerType == LayerType.shape) {

  if (_zoomController!.parentRect != null) {