gradient property

LinearGradient? gradient

A gradient to use when filling the needle tail.

gradient of TailStyle only support LinearGradient. You can use this to display the depth effect of the needle pointer.

Defaults to null.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Container(
       child: SfRadialGauge(
         ( pointers: <GaugePointer>[
            NeedlePointer( tailStyle:
                TailStyle(borderWidth: 2,width: 10,length: 0.2,
                   gradient: LinearGradient(
                 colors: const <Color>[Color.fromRGBO(28, 114, 189, 1),
                 Color.fromRGBO(28, 114, 189, 1),
                   Color.fromRGBO(23, 173, 234, 1),
                   Color.fromRGBO(23, 173, 234, 1)],
                 stops: const <double>[0,0.5,0.5,1],



final LinearGradient? gradient;