selectableDayPredicate property

HijriDatePickerSelectableDayPredicate? selectableDayPredicate

An selectableDayPredicate callback to decide whether the cell is selectable or not in hijri date range picker.

Note: This callback is not applicable when the navigationMode set as DateRangePickerNavigationMode.scroll.

Defaults to null.

See also: HijriDatePickerMonthViewSettings.blackoutDates, which allows to disable interaction for specific dates.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: SfHijriDateRangePicker(
          initialDisplayDate: HijriDateTime(1442, 1, 1),
          selectableDayPredicate: (HijriDateTime dateTime) {
            if (dateTime != HijriDateTime(1442, 1, 1)) {
              return false;
            return true;


final HijriDatePickerSelectableDayPredicate? selectableDayPredicate;