datepicker library
The Syncfusion Flutter Date Range Picker widget allows users to easily select dates or a range of dates. It has built-in views that allow quick navigation to the desired date.
To use, import package:syncfusion_flutter_datepicker/datepicker.dart
See also:
- DateRangePickerCellDetails
- Contains the details that needed on calendar cell builder.
- DateRangePickerController
- An object that used for programmatic date navigation, date and range selection and view switching in SfDateRangePicker.
- DateRangePickerHeaderStyle
- Sets the style for customizing the SfDateRangePicker header view.
- DateRangePickerMonthCellStyle
- The style allows to customize month cells of the SfDateRangePicker.
- DateRangePickerMonthViewSettings
- The settings have properties which allow to customize the month view of the SfDateRangePicker.
- DateRangePickerSelectionChangedArgs
- The selected dates or ranges changes in the SfDateRangePicker.
- DateRangePickerValueChangeNotifier
- Notifier used to notify the when the objects properties changed.
- DateRangePickerViewChangedArgs
- The dates that visible on the view changes in SfDateRangePicker.
- DateRangePickerViewHeaderStyle
- Sets the style to customize SfDateRangePicker month view view header.
- DateRangePickerWeekNumberStyle
- Sets the style to customize the week number of SfDateRangePicker.
- DateRangePickerYearCellStyle
- The style have properties which allow to customize the year, decade and century view of the SfDateRangePicker.
- HijriDatePickerController
- An object that used for programmatic date navigation, date and range selection and view switching in SfHijriDateRangePicker.
- HijriDatePickerMonthCellStyle
- Options to customize the month cells of the SfHijriDateRangePicker.
- HijriDatePickerMonthViewSettings
- Options to customize the month view of the SfHijriDateRangePicker.
- HijriDatePickerViewChangedArgs
The dates that visible on the view changes in
. - HijriDatePickerYearCellStyle
- Options to customize the year and decade view of the SfHijriDateRangePicker.
- HijriDateRange
- Defines a range of dates, covers the dates in between the given startDate and endDate as a range.
- HijriDateRangePickerCellDetails
- Contains the details that needed on calendar cell builder.
T> - Defines the diagnostics for the collection.
- PickerDateRange
- Defines a range of dates, covers the dates in between the given startDate and endDate as a range.
- SfDateRangePicker
- A material design date range picker.
- SfHijriDateRangePicker
- A material design date range picker.
- A direction in which the SfDateRangePicker navigates.
- A type specifies how the date picker navigation interaction works.
- DateRangePickerSelectionMode
- Selection modes for SfDateRangePicker.
- DateRangePickerSelectionShape
- The shape for the selection view in SfDateRangePicker.
- DateRangePickerView
- Available views for SfDateRangePicker.
- ExtendableRangeSelectionDirection
- The direction for extendable range selection in SfDateRangePicker. Extends the selected range with the new selected date in the date range picker based on the extendable range selection direction.
- HijriDatePickerView
- Available views for SfHijriDateRangePicker.
- DateRangePickerCellBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, DateRangePickerCellDetails cellDetails)
- Signature for a function that creates a widget based on date range picker cell details.
- DateRangePickerSelectableDayPredicate = bool Function(DateTime date)
- Signature for predicating dates for enabled date selections.
- DateRangePickerSelectionChangedCallback = void Function(DateRangePickerSelectionChangedArgs dateRangePickerSelectionChangedArgs)
- Signature for callback that reports that a new dates or date ranges selected.
- DateRangePickerValueChangedCallback = void Function(String)
- Signature for the callback that reports when the picker controller value changed.
- DateRangePickerViewChangedCallback = void Function(DateRangePickerViewChangedArgs dateRangePickerViewChangedArgs)
- Signature for callback that reports that a current view or current visible date range changes.
- HijriDatePickerSelectableDayPredicate = bool Function(HijriDateTime date)
- Signature for predicating dates for enabled date selections.
- HijriDatePickerViewChangedCallback = void Function(HijriDatePickerViewChangedArgs hijriDatePickerViewChangedArgs)
- Signature for callback that reports that a current view or current visible date range changes.
- HijriDateRangePickerCellBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, HijriDateRangePickerCellDetails cellDetails)
- Signature for a function that creates a widget based on date range picker cell details.
- UpdatePickerState = void Function(PickerStateArgs updatePickerStateDetails)
- Signature for callback that reports that the picker state value changed.