core library


An HijriDateTime data.
Coordinates between SfRangeSelector and the widget which listens to it.
The class for license validation.
Holds the arguments for the event onTooltipRender.


Data marker shapes.
Apply the different marker pointer.
Used to align the tooltip content.


addDays(dynamic date, int days) → dynamic
Return date value without hour and minutes consideration.
addDuration(dynamic date, Duration duration) → dynamic
Add the date value with duration without daylight saving value
convertToGregorianDate(HijriDateTime? date, {int year = 0, int month = 0, int day = 0}) DateTime
Converts and returns the gregorian date from the given hijri date values.
convertToHijriDate(DateTime date) HijriDateTime
Converts and retusn the hijri date for the given gregorian date.
degreeToRadian(int deg) double
This method converts the corresponding degrees to radian
drawCircle(Path path, double x, double y, double width, double height) → void
Draw the circle shape marker
drawDiamond(Path path, double x, double y, double width, double height) → void
Draw the Diamond shape marker
drawHorizontalLine(Path path, double x, double y, double width, double height) → void
Draw the Horizontal line shape marker
drawInvertedTriangle(Path path, double x, double y, double width, double height) → void
Draw the Inverted Triangle shape marker
drawPentagon(Path path, double x, double y, double width, double height) → void
Draw the Pentagon shape marker
drawRectangle(Path path, double x, double y, double width, double height) → void
Draw the Rectangle shape marker
drawTriangle(Path path, double x, double y, double width, double height) → void
Draw the Triangle shape marker
drawVerticalLine(Path path, double x, double y, double width, double height) → void
Draw the Vertical line shape marker
getFirstDayOfWeekDate(int visibleDatesCount, dynamic date, int firstDayOfWeek) → dynamic
Calculate first day of week date value based original date with first day of week value.
getMaxLinesContent(String? text) int
This method returns the maximum lines in the given text content
getNextMonthDate(dynamic date) → dynamic
Returns the next month start date for the given date..
getPreviousMonthDate(dynamic date) → dynamic
Returns the previous month start date for the given date.
getShapesPath({Canvas? canvas, Paint? paint, Paint? borderPaint, required Rect rect, required ShapeMarkerType shapeType, Path? path, double? pentagonRotation = -pi / 2, double? radius, double? degree, double? startAngle, double? endAngle}) Path
Get the various shape path
getValidDate(dynamic minDate, dynamic maxDate, dynamic date) → dynamic
Return the given date if the date in between first and last date else return first date/last date when the date before of first date or after last date
getVisibleDates(dynamic date, List<int>? nonWorkingDays, int firstDayOfWeek, int visibleDatesCount) List
Get the visible dates based on the date value and visible dates count.
isDateWithInDateRange(dynamic startDate, dynamic endDate, dynamic date) bool
Check the date in between first and last date
isSameDate(dynamic date1, dynamic date2) bool
Check the dates are equal or not.
isSameOrAfterDate(dynamic firstDate, dynamic date) bool
Check the date after/same of first date
isSameOrBeforeDate(dynamic lastDate, dynamic date) bool
Check the date before/same of last date
measureText(String textValue, TextStyle textStyle, [int? angle]) Size
This method measures the size for given text and text style.
offsetToVector2(Offset offset) → Vector2
This method converts the corresponding Offset to Vector2
paint({required Canvas canvas, required Rect rect, required ShapeMarkerType shapeType, required Paint paint, ShapeMarkerType? overlayMarkerType, Path? path, double? elevation, Color? elevationColor, Paint? borderPaint, double? degree, double? startAngle, double? endAngle}) → void
Draws the different marker shapes.
rotatedTextSize(Size size, int angle) Rect
This method returns the rect for given size and angle
subtractDuration(dynamic date, Duration duration) → dynamic
Subtract the date value with duration without daylight saving value
transform(Matrix2 matrix, Offset offset) Offset
This method transforms the given offset with respect ot the given matrix
vector2ToOffset(Vector2 vector) Offset
This method converts the corresponding Vector2 to Offset